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INDEX. TiLLiDS CiMBER, Csesar, iv. 323 ; Brutus, V. 319,322. TiLPHOSSiUM, mountain of Boeotia, Sylla, iii. 169. TiM.EA, wife of Agis, Alcibiades, ii. 28 ; Lysander, iii. 128 ; Agesilaus, iv. 3. TiM.EUS, friend of Andocides, Alcibia- des, ii. 25. TlM^0S, the Sicilian historian, Lycur- gus, i. 83, 126; Tiraoleon, ii. 112, 119, 149; Comparison, ii. 199; Ni- cias, iii. 289, 315, 328 ; Dion, v. 250, 257, 276, 280, 281. TiMAGENES, an historian, Pompey, iv. 113; Antony, v. 226. TiMAGORAS, Athenian envoy to Per- sia, Pelopidas, ii. 231 ; Artaxerxes, v. 444, 445. TiMANDRA, Alcibiades, ii. 50, 51. TiMANTHES (not the famous Timan- thes), a painter, Aratus, v. 398. TiMANTHES, friend of Aratus (per- haps the same), Aratus, v. 377. TiMESiLEUS, tyrant of Sinope, Peri- cles, i. 347. TiMESiTHEUs, general of the Lipare- ans, Camillus, i. 278. TlMOCLE., sister of Theagenes, a woman of Thebes, Alexander, iv. 173. TiMocuDES, magistrate of Sicyon, Aratus, v. 368. TiMOCRATES, Demosthenes, v. 16. TiMOCKATEs the Rhodian, sent with money into Greece, Artaxerxes, v. 442. TiMOCRATES, married to Dion's wife, Dion, V. 264, 270-272. TiMOCEEON of Rhodes, the poet, The- mistocles, i. 254, 255. TiMODEMUS, father of Timoleon, Ti- moleon, ii. 110, 154. TiMOLACs, a Spartan, Philopoemen, ii. 376. Timoleon, Life, ii. 107; Comparison with JEm. Paulus, ii. 198 ; Camillus, i. 288 ; Dion, v. 301. TiMOLEONTEOM, at Syracuse, Timo- leon, ii. 154. TiMON the misanthrope, Alcibiades, ii. 19 ; Antony, v. 223, 225. TiMON the PhUasian, a writer, Numa, i. 137; Pericles, i. 323; Dion, v. 260. TiMONASSA of Argos, wife of Pisistra- tus, Cato the Elder, ii. 348. TiMONiDES the Leucadian, Dion's friend, Dion, v. 266, 275, 276, 280. TiMOPHANES, brother of Timoleon, Timoleon, ii. 110-112. TiMOTHEUS, son of Conon, Athenian general, Timoleon, ii. 149; Pelopi- das, ii. 202; Sylla, iii. 147; Demo- sthenes, V. 16. TiMOTHEUS, a Macedonian soldier, Alexander, iv. 186. TiMOTHEOS, the poet and musician, Philopoemen, ii. 371 ; Agesilaus, iv. 17 ; Agis, iv. 455; Demetrius, v. 141. TiMOXENOS, general of the Achasans, Cleomenes, iv. 486 ; Aratus, v. 403, 412. TiNGA, wife of Antaeus, Sertorius, iii. 392. TiNGis, town of Mauritania, Sertorius, iii. 392. TiNNius of Minturnae, Marius, iii. 91. TiREUS, eunuch of Darius, Alexander", iv. 197, 198. TiRiBAZUS, a Persian, Agesilaus, iv. 27. Tiro, freedman of Cicero, Cicero, v. 79, 87. Tisamenus the Elean, a prophet, Ari- stides, ii. 294. TisANDER, an Athenian, Pericles, i. 3G6. TiSAPnERNES, a Persian satrap, Alci- biades, ii. 28-32, 34, 35 ; Compari- son, ii. 103 ; Lysander, iii. 106 ; Age- silaus, iv. 10-12 ; Artaxerxes, v. 422, 423, 426, 439, 442, 445. TisiAS, an Athenian, Alcibiades, ii. 12. T1SIPHONC8, one of Thebe's three brothers, Pelopidas, ii. 236. TiTHORA, town of Phocis, Sylla, iii. 162. TiTHRAUSTES, a Persian, Cimon, iii. 215. TiTHRAUSTES, a Persian, Agesilaus, iv. 12. TiTiANUS, brother of Otho, Otho, v. 495, 500, 501. TiTiLLius, probably Stertinius, Fla- mininus, li. 399. Titinius, friend of Cassius, Brutus, v. 350, 351. Titius the quaestor, and Titius the consular, Antony, v. 197, 211. QuiNTUs Titios, a Roman merchant in Greece, Sylla, iii. 165.

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