601 Thcenon, a Syracusan, Pyrrhus, iii. 3 1 , 32. Thonis, an Egyptian woman, Deme- trius, V. 123. Thohanius, lieutenant of Metellus, Sertorius, iii. 395. Thorax of Larissa, Demetrius, v. 12G. Thorax, a Spartan officer, Lysander, iii. 112, lib. Thrack and Thracians, Theseus, i. 13 (Bottiaeans) ; Romulus, i. 59 (Rhymitalccs) ; Thomistocles, 1.231 (his mother, born in Thrace) ; Peri- cles, i. 334, 344, 346 ; Aleibiades, ii. 28, 39, 47, 48 ; Mm. Paulus, ii. 170, 171, 173, 174 (Thracian soldiers); Cato the Elder, ii. 330 ; Flamininus, ii. 399 ; Pyrrhus, iii. 12; Lysander, iii. 120, 126; Sylla, iii. 156 (domin- ion of Mithridates), 162; Cinion, iii. 202 (his Thracian blood), 206, 21 7 ; LueuUus, iii. 263 (Thracian horse) ; Nicias, iii. 296 ; Crassus, iii. 340, 341 (the servile war), 343 ; Agesilaus, iv. 19 ; Alexander, iv. 160 (bacchantes), 173, 250 (Athos) ; Phocion, iv. 359; Cato the Younger, iv. 380 (his broth- er's death) ; Demosthenes, v. 31, 32 ; Demetrius, v. 137, 143, 153 (Dromi- cha!tes) ; Antony, v. 214, 21 7. Thracian Village, near Cyzicus, Lucullus, iii. 238. Thrasea (Paetus, the Stoic), his life of Cato, Cato the Younger, iv. 394,407. Thrason, Alcibiades, ii. 46. Thrasybulus, son of Thrason, Alci- biades, ii. 46. Thrasybulus of Stiria, who expelled the Thirty Tyrants, Alcibiades, ii. 1, 34 ; Pelopidas, ii. 207, 213 ; Lysan- der, iii. 135, 137; Aratus, v. 381., envo)' of Philip of Ma- cedon, Demosthenes, v. 19. Thrasyllus, an Athenian, Alcibia- des, ii. 37. The Lake Thrastmene, field of battle, Fabius, i. 374. Thriasian Gate, at Athens, Pericles, i. 358. Thriasian Plain, in Attica, Themi- stocles, i. 248; Pelopidas, ii. 207; Agesilaus, iv. 30; Aratus, v. 399. Thucydides, son of Melesias, Peri- cles, i. 325, 328, 332, 339-342; Comparison, i. 407 ; Nicias, iii. 290, 291, 305 ; Demosthenes, V. 15. Thitcydides, son of Olorus, the histo- rian, Lycurgus, i. 120 ; Themistocles, i. 258, 260 ; Pericles, i. 329, 341, 355, 356, 361 ; Fabius, i. 373 ; Alcibiades, ii. 7, 11, 13, 24 ; Comparison, ii 102 ; Aristidcs, ii. 310 ; Cato the Elder, ii. 319; Cimon, iii. 202 ; Ni- cias, iii. 289, 290, 293, 31G, 318,328; Agesilaus, iv. 41 ; Demosthenes, v. 6. Thukii, town of Italy, Pericles, i. 334 ; Alcibiades, ii. 26, 27 ; Timoleon. ii. 126, 130; Nicias, iii. 295; Demo- sthenes, v. 31. Thurium, a height above Chseronea, Sylla, iii. 165-169. Thuro, mother of Chaeron, Sylla, iii. 165. Thyatira, town of Lydia, Sylla, iii. 175. Thyestes, Cicero, v. 40. Thymcetau^, Attic township, The- seus, i. 1 7. Thyrea, town, and Thyreatis, dis- trict of Argolis, Nicias, iii. 297 ; Pyr- rhus, iii. 44. Thyrsus, freedman of Augustus, An- tony, V. 227. Tibarenians, people of Pontus, Lu- cullus, iii. 244, 245, 250. Tiber, the river, Romulus, i. 39 ; Ca- millus, i. 287 ; Fabius, i. 372; Mm. Paulus, ii. 187; Caesar, iv. 315; Otho, V. 491. The Tiberiue island, Otho, ibid. ; and compare PopUcola, i. 210. Tiberius the emperor, and theDoMUS TiBERiANA, Galba, v. 480. TiDius Sextius, Pompey, iv. 131. Tigellinus^ Nero's favorite and prae- torian prefect, Galba, v. 457, 463, 467, 472, 479, 486 ; Otho, v. 4S8. TiGRANES (II.), King of Armenia, Ca- millus, i. 289 ; Sylla, iii. 178; Lucul- lus, iii. 239, 244, 245, 250, 253-275 ; Comparison, iii. 287 ; Crassus, iii. 350, 365; Pompey, iv. 85, 86, 92, 93, 96, 106, 135; Comparison, iv. 155. TiGRANES (III.), king of Armenia, Pompey, iv. 92, 93, 106, 111. TiGRANOCERTA, town of Armenia, Lucullus, iii. 259-261, 2*5; Compar- ison, iii. 287. Tigris, river of Asia, Lucullus, iii. 255, 259 ; Comparison, iii. 287. TiGURiNi, Helvetian tribe, Caesar, iv. 275.