INDEX. Theophilus, an armorer, Alexander, iv. 202. TuEOPiiRASTUs, a Maoedonian officer in Corinth, Aratus, v. 388. TnKOrnRASTUs the philosopher, Ly- curgus, i. 9G ; Solon, i. 171, 201; Themistocles, i. 258, 259 ; Pericles, i. 349, 365, 369; Aristides, ii. 311 ; Lysander, iii. 117, 125; Sylla, iii. 175, 176 ; Nicias, iii. 302, 305 ; Ser- tori.us, iii. 397; Agesilaus, iv. 2, 45 ; Cato the Younger, iv. 407 ; Agis, iv. 446; Demosthenes, v. 11, 18; Cice- ro, V. 60. TuEOPOMPUS the historian, Themisto- cles, i. 252, 259, 266 ; Alcibiades, ii. 41 ; Timoleon, ii. 112; Lysander, iii. 121,139; Agesilaus, iv. 12, 37, 40; Demosthenes, v. 4, 14, 15, 19, 22, 28 ; Dion, v. 268. Theopompus of Cnidos, author of a collection of fables, Caesar, iv. 305. Theopompus the comic poet, Lysan- der, iii. 118. Theopompus, king of Sparta, Lycur- gus, i. 91, 92, 111, 124; Agis, iv. 466. Theopompus, a Spartan officer, Pelo- pidas, ii. 217. Theopompus, a Theban, Pelopidas, ii. 207. Theoris the priestess, Demosthenes, V. 16. Theorus, Alcibiades, ii. 2. Theramenes, son of Hagnon, Alcibi- ades, ii. 1, 40; Lysander, iii. 119; Nicias, iii. 290; Cicero, v. 77. Thericlean cups, JEm. Paulus, ii. 191 ; the epithet also occurs in the Greek, Philopoemen, ii. 369. Thermodon, rivulet of Boeotia, after- wards called H.EMON, Theseus, i. 29 ; Demosthenes, v. 20. Thermodon, a river of Pontus, Lu- cuUus, iii. 243 ; Pompey, iv. 95. Thermodon, a hero, Demosthenes, v. 20. Thermopyl.e, the pass, Themistocles, i. 240 ; Cato the Elder, ii. 332 ; Comparison, ii. 354 ; Flamininus, ii. 390, 398, 403 ; Agesilaus, iv. 20 ; Alexander, iv. 172 ; Demetrius, v. 117,138. MiNucius Theumus, Cato the Young- er, iv. 897, 398. Theesippus, Solon, i. 201. Therycion, a Spartan, Cleomenes, iv. 473, 474, 496, 497. Theseus, Life, i. 1 ; Comparison with Romulus, i. 78 ; Solon, i. 194 ; Sylla, iii. 160; Cimon, iii. 208. TnESPi.E, town of Bccotia, Pelopidas, ii. 214, 215; Lysander, iii. 137; Age- silaus, iv. 29; Demetrius, v. 137. Thespis, the tragic poet, Solon, i. 198. Thesprotians, people of Epirus, Pyr- rhus, iii. 1. Thessalonica, wife of Cassander, Pyrrhus, iii. 7 ; Demetrius, v. 132. Thessalonica, town of Macedonia, Cato the Younger, iv. 380 ; Brutus, V. 353. Thessalus, sou of Cimon, Pericles, L 356 ; Alcibiades, ii. 22, 26 ; Cimon, iii. 219. Thessalus, son of Pisistratus, Cato the Elder, ii. 348. Thessalus, an actor, Alexander, iv. 170, 171, 196. Thessaly and Thessalians, These- us, i. 29, 35 ; Romulus, i. 40 ; The- mistocles, i. 238, 254 ; Camillus, i. 288 (date of their defeat by the Boe- otians) ; Pericles, i. 344 ; Alcibiades, ii. 28; ^m. Paulus, ii. 160, 163; Pelopidas, ii. 225-229, 231-235; Aristides, ii. 289, 292; Flamininus, ii. 389-394 (battle of Cynoscepha- las) ; Pyrrhus, iii. 1 (Menon), 8, 14, 16 (Cineas), 22; Sylla, iii. 156 (do- minion of Mithridates), 162, 169, 172, 176; Cimon, iii. 198 (Boeotian migration), 208, 218 ; Lucullus, iii. 240 (Niconides the engineer), 256 (Autolycus the hero) ; Agesilaus, iv. 19; Pompey, iv. 133, 134; (Phar- salia) Comparison, iv. 156 ; Alexan- der, iv. 165 (Bucephalas), 172, 188 (Thessalians at Issus), 202 (at Ar- bela), 214; Ca;sar, iv. 298, 300, 305 (campaign of Pharsalia) ; Phocion, iv. 355 (Menon) ; Demosthenes, v. 19 (Daochus) ; Demetrius, v. 122; Dion, V. 266 (Miltas) ; Brutus, v. 328; Galba, v. 457. Theste, the name of the sister of Di- onysius the Younger, Dion, v. 264. Thetidium or Thetideum, in Thes- saly, Pelopidas, ii. 232. Thimbron, a Spartan officer, Arta- xerxes, v. 442. Thoas, an Athenian, Theseus, i. 26.