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INDEX. Sthenis the statuary, Lucnllus, iii. 25G. Stilbides, a (livinor, Nicias, iii. 322. Stilpo, the philo.sopher at Megara, Demetrius, v. 104. Stiria, Attic township, Alcibiades, ii. 34. Stiri.'S, a town of Phoeis, Cimon, iii. 199. Stoic Philosophers, Cato the Elder, ii. 345 ; Luoullus, iii. 278 ; Cato the Younger, iv. 374, 379, 437. Doc- trines, Cato the Younger, iv. 392, 439 ; Cleomenes, iv. 408 ; Cicero, v. 38, 61 ; Comparison, v. 90. LiciNius Stolo, tribune of the peo- ple, Camillus, i. 312, 313. Strabo, philosopher and historian, Sylla, iii. 176 ; Lucullus, iii. 264 ; Caesar, iv. 320. Stkabo, father of Pompey, Pompey, iv. 50, 53. Str.to, a rhetorician, Brutus, v. 360. Stratocles, an Athenian demagogue, Demetrius, v. 106, 107, 119, 121. Stratonice, the daughter of Cor- rhaius or Corrhagus, wife of Antigo- nus, Demetrius, v. 97. Stratonice, daughter of Demetrius, married to Seleucus and to Anti- ochus, Demetrius, v. 127, 128, 135, 137, 151-153. Stratonice, one of the wives of Mi- thridates, Pompey, iv. 96, 97. Stratonicus, Lyeurgus, i. 125. Strcebus, servant of Callisthenes, Alexander, iv. 229. Strymon, river of Thrace, Cimon, iii. 206, 207. Stymphjia or Ttmph.ea, on the bordei's of Macedon and Epirus, Pyrrhus, iii. 7. SucRO, river in Spain, Sertorius, iii. 404, 405 ; Pompey, iv. 71. Suetonios Paui.inus, commanding for Otho, Otho, v. 492, 494-496, 498, 499. SuEvi or Soevians, a German peo- ple, Pompey, iv. 113, 114; Caesar, IV. 281. SuGAMBRi, a German people, Caesar, iv. 280. SuiLLii, a Roman name, Poplicola, i. 214. SuLPicixJS, consular tribune, Camillus, I 299. QciNTrs SuLpicius, pontifex maxi- mus, Marcellus, ii. 242. SuLPicius, commanding in Macedo- nia, Flamininus, ii. 386. SuLprcius, tribune of the people, Ma- rius, iii. 85-87 ; Sylla, iii. 151- 155. SuLPicius, interrex and consul (51 B.C.), Pompey, iv. 119; Cato the Younger, iv. 420. S0LPICIU.S Gai-ba. See Galba. SuNiUM, promontory of Attica, Ara- tus, V. 400. SupERBUs. See Tarquinius. Lentulus Sura, accomplice of Cati- line, CiEsar, iv. 263 ; Cicero, v. 52- 54, 57-59, 67 ; Antony, v. 155. Bruttius Sura, Sylla, iii. 156, 157. SuRENA, commander of the Parthiang, . Crassus, iii. 356, 359, 360, 367- 374. Sus., town of Persia, Pelopidas, ii. 230 ; Comparison of Crassus and Ni- cias, iii. 380 ; Agesilaus, iv. 1 7 ; Alex- ander, iv. 181, 207, 208, 247; De- mosthenes, V. 15; Artaxerxes, v. 427. Susamithres, uncle of Pharnabaziis, Alcibiades, ii. 50. Sutrium, town of Etruria, Camillus,!. 304, 307, 308. Sybaris and Sybarites, Greek town in Italy, Pericles, i. 334 ; Pe- lopidas, ii. 201 ; Crassus, iii. 373. Sybaris, daughter of Themistocles, Themistocles, i. 267. Lucius Cornelius Sylla, Life, iii. 141 ; Comparison with Lysander, iii. 192. See, also, the contemporary and nearly contemporary lives. Marius, iii. 56, 75, 76, 84^ 85, 87, 100, 101, 103; Lucullus, iii. 227- 229, 231-235, 251, 252, 257, 276, 283 ; Crassus, iii. 332, 336-338 ; Comparison, iii. 376; Sertorius, iii. 383, -386, 388, 389, 392, 403, 404, 408, 410-412; Pompey, iv. 55-62, 64-68, 75, 87, 103, 109; Compari- son, iv. 152; Csesar, iv. 256-258, 260, 261, 270, 271, 295 ; Cato the Younger, iv. 372, 373, 387, 388; Ci- cero, V. 37, 38, 45-47, 49, 52, 64. Also, Poplicola, i. 217; Flamininus, ii. 412; Antony, v. 155; Brutus, v." 311 ; Otho, V. 497. Sextius Sylla the Carthaginian, Ro- mulus, L 56.

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