595 SoTlON, a writer, Alexander, iv. 238. Sons, king of Sparta, Lyeurgus, i. 84, 85. Spain and Spaniards (Iberia and Iberians), Lyeurgus, i. 88 (his sup- posed voyage thither) ; Fabius, i. 380, 402, 403 (Scipio) ; Timoleon, ii. 142 ; Mm. Paulus, li. 157, 159 (their mix- ture with Ligurians), 197 ; Marcellus, ii. 250; Comparison, ii. 279; Cato the Elder, ii. 323, 328, 329 ; Compa- rison, ii. 358 ; Flamininus, ii. 387; Marius, iii. 48, 52, 61 ; LucuUus, ili. 233, 237, 272 ; Crassus, iii. 335, 339, 343, 345, 349 ; Sertorius and the Comparison throughout ; Pompey, iv. 66, 69-74 (campaign against Serto- rius), 85, 98, 116, 128-131,133, 135; Caesar, iv. 260 (quaestor there), 267 (propraetor there), 279, 287, 294 (defeat of Afranius), 300, 312 (bat^ tie of Munda) ; Cato the Younger, iv. 401, 413, 431 ; Ti. Gracchus, iv. 511 ; C. Gracchus, iv. 537; Cicero, T. 75 ; Antony, v. 161, 164, 165, 191, 215; Galba, v. 459, 461, 462, 465, 467,477; Otho, v. 489. Spanus, a Lusitanian, Sertorius, iii. 394. Sparamizes, a eunuch of Parysatis, Artaxerxes, v. 436. Sparta, Theseus, i. 32 ; Lyeurgus, i. 83, and frequent throughout the Lives. See, also, Laced^mon and Laconia. Spartacus, the leader in the servile war, Crassus, iii. 339-344 ; Compa- rison, iii. 378 ; Pompey, iv. 89 ; Cato the Younger, iv. 377. Sparton, Bceotian commander at the first battle of Coronea, Agesilaus, iv. 22. Sparton, a Rhodian, Phocion, iv. 348. Spendon, a poet of Sparta, Lyeurgus, i. 121. Sperchius, river of Thessaly, These- us, i. 35. Speusippus the philosopher, Dion, v. 260, 265, 280. Sphacteria, island on the coast of Messenia, Alcibiades, ii. 15 ; Nicias, iii. 297. Sph.«;rcs the Borysthenite, a philoso- pher, Lyeurgus, i. 90; Cleomenes, IV. 468, 477. Sphettus, an Attic township, These- us, i. 11 ; Demetrius, v. 108. Sphines, the proper name of Calanus the Indian philosopher, Alexander, iv. 243. Sphodrias, a Spartan, Pelopidas, ii. 214 ; Agesilaus, iv. 29-31, 35 ; Com- parison, iv. 153. Nymphs called Sphbagitides, Ari- stides, ii. 294, 304. Spiclus, Spiculos, or Spicillus, the gladiator, Galba, v. 464. Lentulus Spinther, consul (57 B.C.), Pompey, iv. 112, 113, 135; Caesar, iv. 301 ; Cicero, v. 70, 76. Lentclds Spinther, his son, Caesar, iv. 325. Spithridates, a Persian, Lysander, iii. 131 ; Agesilaus, iv. 9, 13. Sporus, Galba, v. 465. Spurina, commanding for Otho, Otho, v. 492-494. Stagira or Stagirus, town of Mace- donia, Alexander, iv. 167. Staphylus, son of Theseus, Theseus, i. 18, 19. Stasicrates, an architect, Alexan- der, iv. 250. Statianus, lieutenant of Antony, Antony, v. 191, 192. Statilius, an Epicurean, Brutus, v. 313. Sta tira, wife of Artaxerxes II., Arta- xerxes, V. 426, 426, 438-441. Statira, wife of Darius, Alexander, iv. 197, 198. Statira, daughter of Darius, married to Alexander, Alexander, iv. 247, 254. Statira, sister of Mithridates, Lucul- lus, iii. 249, 250. Statyllius (or Statilius), Cato the Younger, iv. 437,438,444 ; Bru- tus, v. 359. Stephanos, Demosthenes, v. 16. Stephanus, a boy, Alexander, iv. 205. Stertinius, probable correction of TiTiLi.ius, lieutenant of Flamininus, Flamininus, ii. 399. Stesilaus of Ceos, Themistocles, i. 234 ; Aristides, ii. 282. Stesimbrotus of Thaso3, a writer, Themistocles, i. 232, 235, 258 ; Peri- cles, i. 329, 339, 352, 366 ; Cimon, iii. 203, 218, 219. Sthenis of Himera, Pompey, iv. 61, 62.