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689 QaiRiNUS, Romulus, i. 73, 75 ; Kuma, i. 128; Camillus, i. 290; Marcellus, ii. 246. QuiRiTES, inhabitants of Cures, Romu- lus, L 63, 75 ; Numa, i. 130. R. R.iMXEXSES, the first of the three Ro- man tribes, Romulus, i. 63. Ratumexa, gate of Rome, Poplicola, i. 215. Rave.nna in Gaul, visited by Plu- tarch, Marius, iii. 48. The Regia at Rome, Romulus, i. 61, 75 ; Numa, i. 146. RemojiIUM or Remonia, on The AvEN'TiNE, Romulus, i. 49, 50'. Remus, brother of Romulus, Romulus, i. 40, 44-50, 66 ; Compaiison, i. 78, 80. Caninius Revh-ius, consul for a day, Cssar, iv. 314. Marcius Rex, husband of Tertia, Ci- cero, V. 65. Rex, a surname of the Mamerci or Mamercii (Marcii), Numa, i. 156. Rhadamaxthds the judge, Theseus, i. 14; Lysander, iii. 136. Rh.4mn-ds, freedmjm of Antony, An- tony, V. 203. Rhamnus, a town of Attica, Phocion, iv. 354 ; Demetrius, t. 130. Rhea, daughter of Numitor, Romulus, i. 42. Rhea, mother of Sertorius, Sertorius, iii. 383. Rhegium, a Greek town in Bruttium, and Rhegians, Fabius, i. 398 ; Alci- biades, ii. 23; Timoleon. ii. 117-119, 130, 131 ; Crassus, iii. 343; Dion, v. 270, 301. Rhenea, island near Delos, Nicias, iii. 293. The Rhine, Caesar, iv. 277, 279, 280; Otho, V. 499. Rhodes and Rhodians, Themistocles, i. 255 ; Pericles, i. 344 ; Marius, iii. 82 ; Lucullus, iii. 230 ; Pompey, iv. 103 ; Ale.xander, iv. 202 ; Casar, iv. 258 ; Phocion, iv. 348 ; Cato the Youno;er, iv. 425; Demosthenes, v. 26 ; Cicero, v. 39, 74, 75 ; Demetri- us, V. 115-117; Brutus, v. 304, 335, 337. Rhodogune, daughter of Artaxerxes, Artaxerxes, v. 450. Rhodon, tutor of Caesarion, Antony, V. 233. Rh<esaces, a Persian at Athens, Ci- mon, iii. 213. Rhcesaces, a Persian at the Granicus, Ale.xander, iv. 178. Rhoeteum, a village of Arcadia, Cleo- menes, iv. 489. The Rhone, Solon, i. 170; Marius, iii. 63; Sertorius, iii. 384; Caesar, iv. 274. Rhosus, a town in Sj-ria, Demetrius, V. 128. Rhus, at Megara, Theseus, i. 29. Rhymitalces the Thraoian, Romulus, i. 59. Rhyndacus, river in Bithynia, Lucul- lus, iii. 241. RiGNARiuM or Remonitjm, Romulus, i. 49. RiPH^AN Mountains, Camillus, i. 283. Roma, a Trojan woman, Romulus, i. 39 ; Roma, wife of Latinus, and Roma, daughter of Italus, Romulus, i. 40. Romanus, son of Ulysses, Romulus, i. 40. Rome and Romans, frequent See, also, under Latin. In all the follow- ing passages the original has " the Roman language, &c.," 2E,m. Paulus, ii. 195 ; Lucullus. iii. 227, 228 ; Cras- sus, iii. 366, 367; Pompey, iv. 148; Caesar, iv. 304, 308, 323 ; "Demosthe- nes, V. 2 ; Cicero, v. 39, 78 ; Brutus, V. 304, 320. Grecian and Roman learning, Sertorius, iii. 398. Ro- man months, Romulus, i. 51, 64; Numa, i. 152-154; Caesar, iv. 295, 316. Romulus, Life, i. 39 ; Comparison of Theseus and Romulus, i. 78 ; These- us, i. 1, 2; Numa, i. 128, 129, 131, 150, 152, 153; Poplicola, i. 208; Camillus, i. 302-305 ; Marcellus, ii. 245; Pompev, iv. 81; Phocion, iv. 332. Rom us, king of the Latins, and Ro- mus, son of Emathion, Romulus, L 40. Roscius, two brothers of the name, Crassus, iii. 371. Roscius, defended by Cicero, Cicero, V. 37. Roscius the comedian, Sylla, iii. 189 ; Cicero, v. 40.

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