687 Pr^CIA, Lucullus, iii. 234, 235. PrjENESTE and Fr^znestinks, in La- tiura, Camillus, i. 310; Marius, iii. 103; Sylla, iii. 180, 182, 185. pRjiSiANS, an Indian people, Alex- ander, iv. 238, 239. Pranichus, a poet, Alexander, iv. 224. Praxagoras, a Neapolitan, Pompey, iv. 122. PRAXIERGID^, an Attic priestly family, Alcibiades, ii. 43. Priam, king of Troy, Agis, iv. 453. Priene, town of Ionia, Solon, i. 171 ; Pericles, i. 351 ; Antony, v. 210. Prima, daughter of Romulus, llomulus, i. 55. Priscus, a surname, Cato the Elder, ii. 316. Helvidius Priscus, Galba, v. 485. Procles or Patrocles, king of Sparta, Lycurgus, i. 84. Proconnesus, on the Propontis, Ro- mulus, i. 73 ; Alcibiades, ii. 36. Procrustes, name of Damastes, The- seus, i. 9 ; Comparison, i. 78. Procoleius, friend of Augustus, An- tony, v. 231, 232. Proculus, a surname, Coriolanus, ii. 64. Julius Proculus, Romulus, i. 73 ; Numa, i. 128, 133. Proculus, Otho's general and prteto- rian prefect, Otho, v. 495, 497, 499. See, also, 505, note. Prolyta, daughter of Agesilaus, Age- silaus, iv. 23. Promachus, a Macedonian, Alexan- der, iv. 247. Promathion, an historian of Italy, Romulus, i. 41. Prometheus, in .Slschylus, Pompey, iv. 50. Prophantus, a Sicyonian, Aratus, v. 368. Propontis, Lucullus, iii. 235. Protagoras the sophist, Pericles, i. 366 ; Nicias, iii. 322. Proteas, Alexander, iv. 210. Prothous, a Lacedsemonian, Agesi- laus, iv. 34. Prothytes, a Theban, Alexander, iv. 172. Protis or Protus, founder of Mar- seilles, Solon, i. 170. Protogenes the painter, Demetrius, V. U6, 117. Protus the pilot, Dion. v. 268. Proxenus, a Macedonian, Alexander, iv. 233. Prusias, king of Bithynia, Flaminl- nus, ii. 409, 410, 412. Prytanis, king of Sparta, Lycurgu?, i. 84. PsAMMON, an Egyptian philosopher, Alexander, iv. 194. Psenophis of Hierapolis, Solon, L 194. Psiltucis, island of the Indian Sea, Alexander, iv. 243. Psyche, wife of Marphadates, Cato the Younger, iv. 443. Psylli, people of Libya, Cato the Younger, iv. 427. Psyttalea, islet near Salamis, Aristi- des, ii. 291. Ptceodorus the Megarian, Dion, v. 261. Ptolemais, daughter of Ptolemy La- gus, married to Demetrius, Demetri- us, V. 129, 145, 154. Ptolemy (I.) Soter, son of Lagus, Alexander's general, king of Egypt, Pyrrhus, iii. 4, 5, 6, 7, 12 ; Eumenes, iii. 417, 420; Alexander, iv. 171, 208, 218 ; Demetrius, v. 100-102, 109, 112, 115-117; Comparison, v. 241, 242 ; also Coriolanus, ii. 64. Ptolemy (II.) Philadelphus, king of Egypt, Philopoemen, ii. 368 ; Ara- tus, v.'370, 377, 380,407; also Cori- olanus, ii. 64. Ptolemy (III.) Euergetes (I.), king of Egypt, Philopcemen, ii. 368 ; Agis, iv. 451 ; Cleomenes, iv. 485, 488, 496-498; Aratus, v. 389,407; also Coriolanus, ii. 64. Ptolemy (IV.) Philopator, kirg of Egypt, Cleomenes, iv. 498-501, 503 ; Demetrius, v. 142. Ptolemy (V.) Epiphanes, king of Egypt, Philopoemen, ii. 373. Ptolemy (VII.) Piiyscon (or Euer- getes II.), king of Egypt, Ti. Grac- chus, iv. 507; also Coriolanus, ii. 64. Ptolemy (VIII.) Lathyrus, king of Egypt, Coriolanus, ii. 64. Ptolemy (XI.) Auletes, kina of Egypt, Lucullus, iii. 229, 230 ; Pom- pey, iv. 112, 113 ; Cato the Younger, IV. 405, 406 ; Antony, v. 157. Ptolemy (XII.), son of the prece- ding, brother of Cleopatra, king of