585 Poi.Lio, pi-jetoiian perfect (? Plotius), Otho, V. 505. PoLLis the Spartan, Dion, v. 249. PoLU8 of Mgina., the actor, Demosthe- nes, V. 31. Poi.YiENUS, Philopcemen, ii. 371. PoLYALCES, a Spartan ambassador, Pericles, i. 358. PoLTBios the historian, Mm. Paulus, ii. 170, 171, 175 ; Pelopidas, ii. 217 ; Comparison, ii. 277 ; Cato the Elder, ii. 326, 327, 329 ; Philopcemen, ii. 377, 382, 383; Cleomenes, iv. 491, 494 ; Ti. Gracchus, iv. 509 ; Brutus, V. 306 ; Aratus, v. 404. PoLYCLETUS the sculptor, Pericles, i. 320. PoLYCLETUS Or PoLYCLiTUS, an his- torian, Alexander, iv. 218. POLYCLETUS, a favorite of Nero, Gal- ba, V. 471. PoLYCRATES, tyrant of Saraos, Peri- cles, i. 353 ; Lysander, iii. 111. PoLYCRATES of Sicyon, tHend of Plu- tarch, Aratus, v. 36 7. PoLYCRATES, son of the preceding, Aratus, v. 368. POLYCRATIDAS, a Spartan, Lycurgus, i. 117. POLYCRITE, granddaughter of Aristi- des, Aristides, ii. 314. POLYCRITOS of Mende, a physician, Artaxerxes, v. 443. POLYDECTES, king of Sparta, Lycur- gus, i. 84, 85. PoLYDORUS, king of Sparta, Lycur- gus, i. 91, 93. PoLYEUCTUs, son of Thcmistocles, Themistocles, i. 267. PoLYEUCTUS the Sphettian, Phocion, iv. 334, 339 ; Demosthenes, v. 11, 15, 25. PoLYGNOTUS the painter, Gimon, iii. 203. PoLYGNOTUs's TowER, Aratus, V. 371, 372. PoLYiDOS, Plataean hero, Aristides, ii. 294. PoLYMACHTJS of Pella, a Macedonian, Alexander, iv. 246. PoLYMEDES, Phocion, iv. 342. PoLYPHRON, uncle of Ale.xander of Pherae, Pelopidas, ii. 229. | PoLYSPKRcnoN, onc of those who kill- ' ed Callippus, Dion, v. 301. POLYSPEHCHON, Alexander's general, I Pyrrhus, iii. 9 ; Eumenes, iii. 430, 431 ; Phocion, iv. 361, 362, 364, 365 ; Demetrius, v. 103. PoLYSTRATUs, present at the death of Darius, Alexander, iv. 215, 216. PoLYTiON", companion of Alcibiades, Alcibiades, ii. 21, 26. PoLYXENUS, married to the sister of Dionysius the Elder, Dion, v. 2C4, 265. PoLYZELDs's HousE, Nlcias, iii. 326. PoLYZELUS the Rhodian, a writer, Solon, i. 183. PoMAXATHRES, a Parthian, Crassus, iii. 371, 374. PoMENTiuM (Suessa Pometia), town of Latium, Ctesar, iv. 315. Po,MP.EDiu8 Silo, Cato the Younger, iv. 371, 372. PoMPEiA, wife of Cjesar, Cassar, iv. 260, 264-266 ; Cicero, v. 64, 65. Pompeii, town of Campania, Cicero, V. 43. The Pompeii, Marius, iii. 48. AuLUS PoMPEius, a tribune, Marius, iii. 66. [PoMPEins] Strabo, father of Pom- pey, Pompey, iv. 50, 53. PoMPEY THE Great (Cn. Porapeius Magnus), Life, iv. 50 ; Comparison with Agesilaus, iv. 152. See, also, the contemporary lives, Sylla, iii. 180, 186, 187, 190 ; Comparison, iii. 193 ; LucuUus, iii. 228, 233, 235, 272 -280, 282; Comparison, iii. 287; Crassus, iii. 334, 337-339, 343-350, 355, 366 ; Comparison, iii. 377-380; Sertorius, iii. 383, 396, 399, 403-409, 414, 415 ; Comparison, iii. 442 ; Cae- sar, iv. 260, 267-271, 277, 279, 281, 283, 2-6-289, 292-295, 297-306, 309, 312-314, 319, 323, 324, 326; Cato the Younger, iv. 3 73, 380, 382, 383, 388, 390, 396, 399-402, 404, 405, 410-414, 416-427, 429, 433; Cicero, v. 43-45, 4 7, 48, 53, 59, 63, 66-68, 70-72, 74-76, 78, 79 ; Com- parison, v. 91 ; Antony, v. 159-162. 164, 173, 215; Brutus, v. 305-307. 311, 313, 316, 319, 328, 833, 338, 346 ; Comparison, v. 363, 364. The day of his death is given in Camil- lus, i. 289, and his name occurs in JJuma, i. 154; Alexander, iv. 159; and Otho, v. 497. Cn4:us Pompeius, son of Pompey, Pompey, iv. 129 ; Cato the Younger,