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INDEX. lus, ii. 272. Mountains of Petelia, Crassus, iii. 344. Petehne Grove at Rome, Camillus, i. 309. Peteus, son of Orneus, Tlieseus, i. 33. Peticius, a shipmaster, Pompey, iv. 142, 143. Petilius the praetor, Nuraa, i. 158. The Petilii, tribunes of the people, two brothers, Cato tlie Elder, ii. 334. Petinus, favorite of Nero, Galba, v. 471. Petka, town in Arabia, Pompey, iv. 101; Antony, V. 223. Petra, town in Thessaly, ^m. Pau- lus, ii. 169. Petrochus, above Chseronea, Sylla, iii. 166. Granius Petro, qusestor, Caesar, iv. 273. Pktronius, lieutenant of Crassus, Crassus, iii. 370, 371. Petronius Turpilianus, Galba, v. 469, 470, 472. Peucestes, officer of Alexander, Eu- menes, iii. 432, 433, 435,437 ; Alex- der, iv. 213, 214, 240. Ph^a, the Crommyonian sow, These- us, i. 8. PHiEAX of Salamis, Theseus, L 15. Ph.eax, an Athenian statesman, Alci- biades, ii. 12, 13 ; Nicias, iii. 306 ; Agesilaus, iv. 18 (?). PH.EDIMOS, Eumenes, iii. 436. PhjEDO, archon at Athens, Theseus, i. 37. PH.i;DRA, wife of Theseus, Theseus, i. 29. Ph.bn ARETE, wife of Samon, Pyrrhus, iii. 6. Ph^stus, in Crete, Solon, i. 1 78. Phaethon, first king of the Molossians, Pyrrhus, iii. 1. Phalerum, port of Athens, Theseus, i. 20 ; Themistocles, i. 245 ; Ari- stides, ii. 280, 314 ; Demetrius, v. 102, 103 (the Phalerian, i. e. Deme- trius the Phalerian ; see his name). Phalinus, a Zacvnthian, Artaxerxes, V. 433, 434. Phanias the Lesbian, a philosopher and historian, Solon, i. 180; Themi- stocles, i. 231, 239, 247, 261, 264. Phanippus or Ph.cnippus, archon in the year of Marathon, Aristides, ii. 287. Phanodemus, historian, Tliemistocles, i. 246 ; Cimon, iii. 215, 22.5. Pharax the Spartan, Timoleon, ii. 120; Comparison, ii 199; Dion, v. 292. Pharmacusa, island near Miletus, Caesar, iv. 257. Pharnabazu-s, a Persian satrap, Alci- biades, ii. 29, 35-39, 49-51 ; Lysan- der, iii. 125, 126, 131 ; Agesilaus, iv. 9, 13-15, 21 , 27 ; Artaxerxes, v. 442, 443, 446, 450. PhArnabazus, son of Artabazus, Eu- menes, iii. 423. Pharnaces, son of Mithridates, Pom- pey, iv. 102, 103 ; Caesar, iv. 308. Pharnacia or Phernacia, town in Pontus, Lucullus, iii. 249. Pharnapates, general of the Parthi- ans, Antony, v. 186. Pharos, island in the Adriatic Sea (?), Aratus, v. 415. Pharos, in the port of Alexandria, Alexander, iv. 192 ; Cassar, iv. 307 ; Antony, v. 183, 223. PHARS.A.LUS, Pharsalia, and Phar- sahans, Pericles, i. 366 ; Pelopi- das, ii. 227, 232; Agesilaus, iv. 20; Pompey, iv. 136, 139; Comparison, iv. 156; CiEsar, iv. 300, 309, 319; Cato the Younger, iv. 426, 428 ; Ci- cero, V. 76, 77; Antony, v. 162, 215 ; Brutus, v. 307 ; Otho, v. 500. Pharyg.e, a small village of Phocis, Phocion, iv. 364. Phaselis, town of Lycia, Cimon, iii. 214; Alexander, iv. 180. Phasis, river of Pontus, Lucullus, iii. 271 ; Comparison, iii. 287; Pompey, iv. 94. Phayllus of Crotona, the wrestler, Alexander, iv. 204. PHEG.EA, Attic township, Alcibiades, ii. 26. Pheneus, town of Arcadia, Cleome- nes, iv. 483 ; Aratus, v. 405. Pher^, town of Achsa, Cleomenes, iv. 480. Pher.e, town of Thessaly, and Phe- R.EANS, Pelopidas, ii. 225-228, 231, 237; Galba, v. 457. Pherebcea, wife of Theseus, Theseus, i. 29. Pherecles, at Dodona, Lysander, iii. 183. Phereclus, son of Amarsyas, These- us, i. 15.

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