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565 Ltncus, on the Macedonian border, Flamininus, ii. 387. LvsAiNDEK of Alopece, Tlieraistocles, i. 267. Lysander, the Spartan "eneral, Life, iii. 104; Comparison, lii. 192; Ly- curjjus, i. 123 ; Aloibiades, ii. 46-51 ; Flamininus, ii. 398; Nicias, iii. 328; Agesilaus, iv. 2-4, 6-9, 23, 24; Comparison, iv. 152, 153; Agis, iv. 458. Lysander, son of Lybis, a Spartan, Agis, iv. 450-453, 455, 456, 458, 464. Lysandridas of Megalopohs, Cleo- meues, iv. 490. Lysanoridas, a Spartan, Pelopidas, ii. 213. Ly.sia8, the Athenian orator, Cato the Elder, ii. 324. Lysicles the sheep-dealer, Pericles, i. 350. Lysidice, daughter of Pelops, The- seus, i. 7. Lysimachus the Acarnanian, Alex- ander's pedagogue, Alexander, iv. 165, 189. Lysimachus, father of Aristides, The- mistocles, i. 234, 246 ; Aristides, ii. 280, 281, 312. Lysimachus, son of Aristides, Aristi- des, ii. 314. Lysimachus, grandson of Aristides, Aristides, ii. 314. Lysimachus, general of Alexander, and king of Thrace, Pyrrhus, iii. 7, 12-14, 39; Alexander, iv. 218, 230; Demetrius, v. 107, 108, 112, 115, 120, 122, 127, 128, 132, 137, 142- 146, 148, 152, 153 ; Comparison, v. 242. Lysippus, general of the Achseans, Philopoemen, ii. 372. Lysippus the sculptor, Alexander, iv. 162, 179, 212. M. M.^caria, daughter of Hercules, Pe- lopidas, ii. 221. Macedon and Macedonians. See, in general, the hves of jEmilius Paulas, Flamininus, Pyrrhus, Eu- menes, Alexander, Phocion, Cleome- nes, Demosthenes, Demetrius, and Aratus, and the Comparisons. Also, Theseus, i. 5 ; Camillus, i. 289 ; Ti- moleon, ii. 125; Pelopidas, ii. 226; Aristides, ii. 299 ; Cato the Elder, ii. 331, 335; Philopoemen, ii. 366, 368, 372, 376; Sylla, iii. 15G, 1.58, 162, 172, 173, 176; Cimon, iii. 200, 217 ; Agesilaus, iv. 18, 19; Pompev, iv. 94, 131 ; Cassar, iv. 2.i8, 298,' 299; Cato the Younger, iv. 378 ; Cicero, v. 47, 66, 85; Antony, v. 161, 173, 174, 208, 217, 221 ; Brutus, v. 305, 327, 328, 331, 333; Galba, v. 456, 457. Macedonian months, Alexan- der, iv. 161, 177, 253. The Mace- donian dialect, Eumenes, iii. 434 ; Alexander, iv. 225 ; Antony, v. 180. The Macedonian hat or cap, Anto- ny, v. 208. Compare Eumenes, iiL 422; Demetrius, v. 140. Macedonicus, surname, see Metel- Lus, Marius, iii. 48. LiciNius Macer, impeached by Cice- ro, Cicero, v. 43. Clodius Macer, Galba, v. 461, 468, 470. MACHANrDAS, tyrant of Lacedaemon, Philopoemen, i'i. 369-372. Machahks, son of Mithridates, Lucul- lus, iii. 257. Machatas, an Epirot, Flamininus, ii. 388. Macr^ or AcR.E, in Sicily, Dion, v. 271. Macrinus, a surname, Marius, iii. 48. Macron. See Clodius Macer. Maecenas, friend of Augustus, Com- parison of Demosthenes and Cicero, V. 91 ; Antony, v. 188. M.ECIUS or Marcius, a hill in Lati- um, Camillus, i. 304, 306. M^edi and M.kdica in Thrace, ^Em. Paulus, ii. 165; Sylla, iii. 173 ; Alex- ander, iv. 168. Spurius MjĀ£lius, killed by Ahala, Brutus, v. 303. The Lake Mjjotis, Marius, iii. 58 ; Sylla, iii. 156 ; Lucullus, iii. 246 ; Pompey, iv. 94 ; Alexander, iv. 216; Antony, v. 210. Mag^:us, a Persian, Alcibiades, ii. 50. Magas, brother of Ptolemy Philopa- tor, Cleomenes, iv. 498. Magnesia, a town of Caria, Themi- stocles, i. 264-268. Magnesia and Magnesians in Thes- salv, Pelopidas, ii. 231, 236 ; Flami- ninus. ii. 397, 399, 403.

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