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559 ii. 313; Lysander, Hi. 131 ; Cimon. iii. 214, 2i8; Demosthenes, v. 26; Antony, v. 183 ; Brutus, v. 337. Io- nia and Peloponnesus, Theseus, i. 25. Salamis Ionian, Solon, i. 177. Ionian women, Theniistocles, i. 260 ; Pericles, i. 350 ; Lucnlhis, iii. 249 ; Crassus, iii. 373; Phocion, iv. 349; Artaxer,es, v. 449, 451. Ionian sumptuosity, Lycurgus, i. 87. The Ionian Sea, Mm. Pauhis, ii. 1 93 : Pyrrhus, iii. 18 (in the Greek) ; Syl- la, iii. 169; Caesar, iv. 295; Antony, V. 161, 183, 21.'). loPE, daughter of Iphicles, Theseus, i. 29. loPHON, son of Pisistratus, Gate the Elder, ii. 348. los, island in the .ffigean Sea, Serto- rius, iii. 383. loxus and the loxiDS, descended from Theseus, Theseus, i. 8. Iphicles, Theseus, i. 29. Iphicrates, the Athenian general, Pelopidas, ii- 202 ; Agesilaus, iv. 26; Artaxerxes, v. 446; Galba, v. 456. Iphitds, son of Eurytus, Theseus, i. 6 ; Lycurgus, i. 83, 115. Ipsus, field of the battle, a town of Phrvgia, Pyrrhus, iii. 4 ; Demetrius, V. 129. Iphtha, Sertorius, iii. 391. Iras, Cleopatra's maid, Antony, v. 213, 237. Is.KUS the orator. Doninstlienes, v. 5. Isauricus (P. Seuvii.ius), Caesar, iv. 262; and (?) Sylla, iii. 180; Pompey, iv. 67. Servii.ius Isauricus, son of the pre- ceding, CiEsar, iv. 295. Isias, a Corinthian captain, Timoleon, ii. 133. IsiDAs or IsADAS, the son of PhcEbi- das, Agesilaus, iv. 42. IsiDORUs, admiral of Mithridates, Lu- cnlhis, iii. 242. IsMENiAs, a Theban, Pelopidas, ii. 205. IsMENiAS the Theban (son of the pre- ceding?), Pelopidas, ii. 226, 230; Artaxerxes, v. 444. IsMENiAS the flute-player, Pericles, i. 319; Demetrius, v. 96. IsMENUS, river of Boeotia, Demetrius, V. 145. IsocRATES the orator, Alcibiades, ii. 1 2 : Cato the Elder, ii. 346 ; Demo- sthenes, v. 5, 6 ; Comparison, v. 91. IsopiCE. wife of Cimon, Cimon, Iii. 203, 219. IsOMANTUS, river of Boeotia, Lysan- der, iii. 138. IssORiON, strong place in Sparta, Agesilaus, iv. 39. Issus, field of the battle, a town in Cilicia, Alexander, iv. 188, 202. Isthmus of Corinth, The.seus, i. 7, 25; Themistocles, i. 241, 244, 245, 250, 255 ; Pompey, iv. 79 ; Alexan- der, iv. 174; Caesar, iv. 315; Clco- raenes, iv. 485 ; Demetrius, v. 1 20, 127, 137 ; Aratus, v. 381, 410. The Isthmian games, Theseus, i. 25; Solon, i. 191; Timoleon, ii. 139 ; Flamininus, ii. 396, 400 ; Agesilaus, iv. 25. IsTER or IsTRUS, an historian, The- seus, i. 36 ; Alexander, iv. 218. It.i,ia, daughter of Themistocles, Themistocles, i. 267. Italus, father of Roma, Romulus, i. 40. It.ly and Italians, Theseus, i. 13; Romulus, i. 40, 41, and elsewhere frequent. Italians, as distinct from the Romans, .Sim. Paulus, ii. 1 70 ; Pyrrhus, iii. 24; Marius, iii. 68, 84, 85 ; Comparison of Lysander and Sylla, iii. 196 ; Compare Cains Grac- chus, iv. 536, 541, but the original word here, and in Coriolanus, h. 54, is that applied to the Italian Greeks. For ItaUan Greeks, see JEm. Paulus, ii. 181 ; Pyrrhus, iii. 16 ; Nicias. iii. 314 ; Alexander, iv. 204. Italian words, Romulus, i. 56. An Italian feeling. Mm. Paulus, ii. 1 75. Ithagenes of Samos, Pericles, i. 353. Ithome and The Ithomatas, citadel of Messene, Pelopidas, ii. 224 ; Ci- mon, iii. 222; Aratus, v. 415, 416. luLis, town in the island of Ceos, De- mosthenes, V. 1. IxiON, Agis, iv. 445. J. Janiculum, Numa, i. 157; Marius, iii. 96. Jason the hero, Theseus, i. 16, 80; Cimon, iii. 201.

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