INDEX. Helen, Comparison of Solon and Lyeurijus, i. 1G4. Hermioxe, town of Arnolis, and Hkk- MIONIANS, Tliemistoi-les, i. 236; Pompey, iv. 79 ; Alexander, iv. 207 ; Cleoraenes, iv. 485 ; Aratus, v. 400. IIermippus, pIulo30|)lier and historian, Lvcumus, i. 89, 115; Solon, j. 1C9, 173, 177; Alexander, iv. 229; Ue- mosthcnes, v. 12, 31, 32. Hermippos, a comic poet, Pericles, i. 360, 363. Hermockates, son of Hermon, a Sy- racusan, Nicias, iii. 290, 311, 324, 328; Dion, v. 24 7. Hermolaus, a Macedonian, Alexan- der, iv. 230. Hermon, an Athenian, Alcibiades, ii. 32. Hermon, a Syracusan, Nicias, iii. 2D0. Hermotimus of Phocsea, Pericles, i. 351. Hermus, an Athenian, Tliesens, i. 27. Hermus in Attica (according; to a cor- rection), Theseus, i. 9 ; Phocion, iv. 351. Hero, niece of Aristotle, Alexander, iv. 231. Herod, king of Judtea, Antony, v. 214, 225, 226. Herodes, friend of Cicero, Cicero, v. 60. Herodorus of Pontus, a writer, The- seus, i. 26, 30, 31 ; Romulus, i. 49. Herodotus, a Bithynian, Nuuia, i. 131. Herodotus of Halicamassus, the his- torian, Theraistocles, i. 239, 250, 254 ; Aristides, ii. 299, 305 ; Com- parison, ii. 354. Herophytus of Samos, Cimon, iii. 210. Hekostr.tus, Brutus, v. 327. Hersilia, wife of Romulus, Romulus, i. 55, 61, 63 ; Comparison, i. 81. Hesiod, Theseus, i. 3. 13, 18 ; Numa, i. 132; Solon, i. 170; Camillus, i. 287 ; Comparison of Aristides and Cato, ii. 356 ; Galba, v. 471. Hesycuia (Quietness), priestess at ClazomeniE, Nicias, iii. 307. Hexapyi-a, gate of Syracuse, Marcel- lus, ii. 258. Hicetes, tyrant of the Leontines, Ti- moleon, ii. 109, 115-123 and a'ter to 147. HiCETKS, a Syracusan, Dion, v. 301. HiDRiEUR, or Idrieus, prince of Ca- ria, Agesilaus, iv. 16. HiEMPSAL, king of Nuniidia, Marius, iii. 94 ; Pompey, iv. 64. HiER.E (more correctly Iet/e), Timo- leon, ii. 144. HiERAPOLis. town of Syria, Crassus, iii. 352; Antony, v. 190. IIiERO, Nicias, iii. 295. HiERO, tyrant of Syracuse, Themisto des, i." 258 ; Mar'cellus, ii. 246, 252, 253. HiERONYMUS of Cardia, an historian, Pyrrhus, iii. 22, 28, 38 ; Eumenes, iii". 430 ; Demetrius, v. 137. HiERONYMUS of CanhiE, Crassus, iii. 363. HiERONYMUS of Rhodes, writer, Aris- tides, ii. 314 ; Agesilaus, iv. 16. HiERONYMUS, tyrant of Syracuse, Marcellus, ii. 2.'io. IIiMEU., town of Sicily, and Hime- R.EANS, Timoleon, ii. 136 : Pompey, iv. 61, 62. IIimera-.us, brother of Demetrius the Phalerian, Demosthenes, v. 31. IIippARCHUS, father of Asdeplades, Phocion, iv. 352. HtppARCHUS the Cholargian, Nicias, iii. 305. HippAKCUus, Antony's freedman, An- tony, v. 221, 227. HiPPARCHUS, a Spai-tan, Lycurgus, L 88, 126. HiPPARETE, wife of Alcibiades, Alci- biades, ii. 9. HippARiNUS, father of Dion, Dion, v.. 247. HippARiNDS, a son of Dion, Dion, v 276. HippiAS, an Epirot, Pyrrhus, iii. 2. HippiAS the comedian, Antony, v. 163. HiPPiAS the Sophist, of Elis, Lycur- gus, i. 115; Numa, i. 128. HiPPiTAS, a Spartan, Cleomenes, iv. ,'j02, 503. Hippo, tyrant of Messina, Timoleon, ii. 148, 'i52. Hippo, a Syracusan, Dion, v. 282. HiPPOCLUS, father of Pelopidas, Pe- lopidas. ii. 203. Hippocoo.v, Theseus, i. 32. Hippocrates, an Athenian com- mander, Nicias, iii. 296.