555 Hkcatomb^um in Aohsea, Cleonie- nes, iv. 480 ; Aratus, v. 404. Hecatompedon, a name for the Par- thenon, Cato the Elder, ii. 322. Hecatompedon, in Syracuse, Dion, T. 289. Hector, Theseus, i. 35 ; Pompey, iv. 86; Brutus, V. 326,327; Aratus, v. 370. Hecuba, Comparison of Theseus and Romulus, i. 82 ; Pelopidas, ii. 229. Hedylidm, mountain in Phocis, Sylla, iii. 164, 165. Hegemon, an Athenian, Phocion, iv. 365, 367. Hegesias, of Magnesia, a writer, Al- exander, iv. 161. Hegesipyle, daughter of Olorus, mother of Cimon, Cimon, iii. 202: Hegestratds, arohon at Athens, So- • Ion, i. 20!. Helen, Theseus, i. 29, 31-33, 35 ; Comparison, i. 81 ; Solon, i. 171; Antony, v. 160; Galba, v. 474. Helenus, son of Pyrrhus, Pyrrhus, iii. 10, 45, 4 7. Helicon, an armorer, Alexander, iv. 202. Helicon, a Cyzicenian, Dion, v. 263. Helicon, mountain in Bceotia, Lj-san- der, iii. 138 ; Agesilaus, iv. 22. Helicus, perhaps Helisson, in Ar- cadia, Cleomenes, iv. 489. Heliopolis in Egypt, Solon, i. 194. Helius, Nero's favorite, Galba, v. 471. Hellanicus, of Mit^'lene, a historian, Theseus, i. 14, 25-27, 31 ; Alcibia- des, ii. 24. Hellanicus, a Sicilian, Dion, v. 286. Hellespont, Themistocles, i. 249 ; Pericles, i. 344 ; Akibiades, ii. 33, 34, 37, 38; Aristides, ii. 291, 292; Lysander, iii. 112, 126, 131; Sylla, iii. 172; Lucullus, iii. 241; Agesi- laus, iv. 9, 19; Alexander, iv. 176, 177; Phocion, iv. 343, 344. Helvetians, Caesar, iv. 275. Helvia, mother of Cicero, Cicero, v. 35. Helvidius Priscus, Galba, v. 485. Heniocha, daughter of Pittheus, The- seus, i. 25. Heph.estion, friend of Alexander the Great, Pelopidas, ii. 235 ; Eumenes, iii. 417, 418; Alexander, iv. 195, 211, 213, 219, 220, 222, 230,249, 250, 252. Mount IIepileus, Sylla, iii. 177, per- haps TiFATA. Heptacii.lcum at Athens, Sylla, iii. IGO. Her.clka in Bllhynia, Cimon, iii. 206 ; Lucullus, iii. 243. Hkracle. in Italy, Pyrrhus, iii. 20. Heracle. in Thcssaly, Flamininus, ii. 403 ; Demetrius, v. 117. Heraclides of Cuma, a writer, Arta- xerxes, v. 445. Heraclides, of Pontus, philosopher, Solon, i. 168, 190, 200, 201 ; Themi- stocles, i. 260 ; Camillus, i. 292 ; Peri- cles, i. 354, 365 ; Alexander, iv. 191. Her.-^CLIdes, a Syracusan, Nicias, iii. 323. Heraclides, a S3-racusan, Dion, v. 25.5, 277, 278, 282, 283, 288, 290, 293, 296, 297, 299. Heraclitus, the philosopher of Eph- esus, Romulus, i. 74; Camillus, i. 287 ; Coriolanus, ii. 98. HER.EA, town of Arcadia, Lysander, iii. 129 ; Cleomenes, iv. 473. HeRjEUM, promontory near Corinth, Agesilaus, iv. 26 ; Cleomenes, iv. 486. Hercules the hero, frequent. See, in particular, the Life of Theseus. The Pillars of Hercules, Timoleon, ii. 132 ; Nicias, iii. 306 ; Pompey, iv. 80 ; Alexander, iv. 245 ; Antony, v. 158 ; Aratus, v. 379. Hercules, son of Ale.xander and Bar- sine, Eumenes, iii. 417. Hercynian Forest, Marius, iii. 58. Hereas of Megara, historian, The- seus, i. 18, 34 ; Solon, i. 177. Herenniu.s, lieutenant of Sertorius, Pompey, Iv. 71. Cahis Herennius and the family of the Herennii, Marius, iii. 52. Herennius, a centurion, who killed Cicero, Cicero, v. 86, 87. Herippidas, a Spartan, Pelopidas, ii. 213 ; Agesilaus, iv. 13. Herm^us, a priest, Lucullus, iii. 248. Hermagoras, a rhetorician, Pompey, iv. 103. The Hkrm.eum (perhaps Hermus), Phocion, iv. 351. Heuminius, Poplicola, i. 218., daughter of Meuelaus and