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INDEX. son with Agis and Cleoiuein'S, iv. 553. I Ti. Sempronius Gracchus, father of the Graoohi, MaroeUus, ii. 241, 242 ; Cato the Ekier, ii. 330; Ti. Grac- chus, iv. 506, 507, 509, 525. j Tiberius Gracchus, Life, iv. 506; Comparison, iv. 553; Agis, iv. 447; C. Gracchus, iv. 531 and following. ' C.'V.ius Gracchus, Life, iv. 531 ; Com- parison, iv. 553; Agis, iv. 44 7; Ti. Gracchus, iv. 506 and foUow- Granicu.s, river of Mysia, CamiUus, i. 288 ; LucuUus, iii. 241 ; Alexander, iv. 177. Granius, stepson of Marias, iii. 88, 90, 93. Gr.vnius, a magistrate, Sylla, iii. 190. Granius Petro, a qu.estor under Ctesar, Ctesar, iv. 273. Grypus, a surname, Corlolanus, ii. 64 ; Mai'ius, iii. 48. GuR.AS, brother of Tigranes, LucuUus, iii. 270. GvARTA, or Gtar, district belonging to Syracuse, Dion, v. 282. Gvlippus, a Spartan, Lycurgus, 1. 124; Pericles, I. 348; Alcibiades, ii. 27 ; Comparison JEm. Pauhis and Timoleon, ii. 199; Lysander, iii. 121 ; Nicias, iii. 314-317, 319, 324, 826-328; Dion, v. 293. Gylippus, a .Spartan, Cleomenes, iv. 467. Gylon, grandl'ather of Demosthenes, V. 4. (jYMXOSOPhists, Lycurgus, i. 88 ; Al- exander, iv. 241. Gyriscenians (perhaps Oretanians) iu Spain, Sertorius, iii. 385. Gythium, harbor of Laconia, Philo- poemen, ii. 375 ; Cleomenes, iv. 495. H. Hemon, rivulet of Boeotia, Theseus, 1. 29 ; Demosthenes, v. 20. Hjjmus, mountain iu Thrace, Alex- ander, iv. 160. Hagnon, a Teiau, .^.lexander, iv. 186, 211, 230. Hagnon, an Athenian, Pericles, i. 361, perhaps the same as the father of Theramenes ; Lysander, iii. 119; Nicias, iii. 290. Hagnonides, or Agnonides, Phocion, iv. 360,364-366, 369. Hagnothe.mis, Alc.vander, iv. 254. Hagxus, Attic township, Theseus, I 11. Hal.e, burial-place of Tiiiion, Antony, V. 224. Ha !..«.«, town of Boeotia, Sylla, iii. 176. Hai.iartus, city of Bceotia, Lysander, iii. 136-138; Comparison of Lysan- der and Sylla, iii. 195. Hai.icarnassus, in Caria, Themis- tocles, i. 231; Alexander, iv. 179; Demetrius, v. 102. H.LiMUS, Attic township, Cimon, iiL 202. IIalonesus, island on the coast of Thrace, Demosthenes, v. 10. H.lycus, or Lycus, river in Sicily, Timoleon, ii. 147. Hamilcar, a Carthaginian command- er, Timoleon, ii. 138. H.Mii.CAR, surnamed B.rca, Fabius, i. 392; Cato the Elder, ii. 326. Hannib.al, Romulus, i. 67; Pericles, i. 320; Fabius, i. 373 and after; JEm. Paulus, ii. 160; Pelopidas, ii. 203 ; Marcellus, li. 238, 246 and after, 266 and after; Comparison, ii. 27 7, 278 ; Cato the Elder, ii. 317, 330 ; Comparison, ii. 358 ; Flamininus, ii. 385, 387, 395, 396, 401, 409-412; Pyrrhus, iii. 9 ; Lucullus, iii. 268, 270 ; Sertorius, iii. 383, 410 ; Agesilaus, iv. 18; Ti. Gracchus, iv. 506; Otho, v. 503. Hanno, Timoleon, ii. 130. Haup.vlus, Mm. Paulus, ii. 170 ; Alexander, iv. 168, 171, 206, 213; Phocion, iv. 350-352; De- mosthenes, V. 26, 27 ; Comparison, v 92. H.SDRUBAL, a Carthaginian com- mander, Timoleon, ii. 138. Hasduubal, brother of Hannibal, Flamininus, ii. 387. Hebkkws, Antony, v. 180. Hecale, Hecalene, Hec.alesia, Theseus, i. 11, 12. Hucat.kus, tyrant of the Cardians, Eunienes, iii. 419. Hecat.eus the Sophist (of Miletus), Lycurgus, i. 111. Hec.t.eus of Eretria (perhaps of Abdera), a writer, Alexander, iv. 218.

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