553 Gelm, Scj-thian tribe, Pompey. iv. 95. Celaxor', king of the Argives, Pyr- rhus, lii. 45. Geleo.n'Tes, or Gedeostes, Attic tribe, Solon, i. 191. Gelliaxus, sent by XymphiJius into Spciin, Galba, v. 4G5, 467. Lucius Gkllius, consul. Crassus, iii. 341 ; Pompey, v. 76; Cato the Younger, iv. 377 ; Cicero, t. 62. Marcus Gellius, senator, Cicero, v. 64. Gelo, an Epirot, PTrhus, iii. 5, 6. Gelo, or Gelox, tyrant of Syracuse, Coriolanns, ii. 69 ; Timoleou, ii. 136 ; IJion, V. 249, 250. Gemixius, companion of Antony, An- tony, V. 212, 213. Ge.mixius, companion of Pompey, Pompey, iv. 51, 69. Gemixius of Terracina, Marius, iii. 88, 91. Gexthius, king of DljTia, ^m. Pau- lus, ii. 163, 167. Gexucius, tribune of the people, C. Gracchus, iv. 534. Ger.vdas, a Spartan, Lycurgus, i. 104, 105. Ger.estus, promontory of Eubcca, Agesilaus, iv. 7. Geraxd.s, a Spartan, Pelopidas.ii. 225. Geraxea, mountain of Corinth, Cleo- menes, iv. 485 ; Aratus, v. 396. Gergithus, town in the Troad, Pho- cion, iv. 348. Germ.xicus, son of Drusus, Antony, V. 239. GERMAUicns, surname of Nero, An- tony, v. 239 ; of Titellius, Galba, v. 4 78. Germ.xus. See Cermalus. Germ.vxt and the Germaxs, Mm. Paulus, ii. 181 (the revolt of Anto- nius against Domltian) ; Marius, iii. 58 ; Crassus, iii. 341 ; Comparison with Nicias, 380; Pompev, iv. 135; CiEsar, iv. 275, 276, 273-281, 315; Cato the Younger, iv. 422 (where the text has Britons) ; Galba, v. 458, 461,468,470, 473, 476-478; Otho, V. 497, 499. 606. Get^, Scythian tribe, Antony, v. 217. Gigis, maid of Parvsatis, Artaxerxes, v. 440, 441. Gisco, a Carthaginian commander, Timoleon, ii. 144^147. Gisco, with Hannibal at Cannae, Fa- bius, i. 390. ALvxius Acii.ius [Glabrio], consul B. c. 191. Cato the Elder, ii. 330, 333, 334; Philopcemcn, ii. 379, 383 ; Fla- mininus, ii. 403, 404 ; Sylla. iii. 158. Maxius Glabrio, Sylla, iii. 186 ; Pompey, iv. 86, and compare 59. Glaucia, tribune with Saturninus, Marius, iii. 79 ; Comparison of Sylla and Lysandcr, iii. 192. Gl.ucias, king of Illyria, Pjirhus, iii. 3, 4. Glaucippus, Athenian orator, Pho- cion. iv. 333. Gl.ucus, a jjhvsician, Alexander, iv. 249; Antony,' V. 213. Glaucus, in the Trojan war, Dion, v. 245. Glaucus, son of PoKTuedes, an Athe- nian, Phocion, iv. 342. Glaucus Pontius (subject of a poem by Cicero), Cicero, v. 36. Glycox, an Athenian, Pericles, i. 36( GxATHiExiox, an Argive sempstress, jEm. Paulus, ii. 162; Aratus, v. 420. Gxossus, in Crete, Theseus, i. 17. GoBRYAS, a Persian, Cimon, iii. 215. Go.MPHi, town of Thessalv, Caesar, iv. 300. GoxAT.^s. See Axtigoxus. Gongylus, a Corinthian, Nicias, iii. 315, 316. GoRDiUM, town in Phrvgia, Alexan- der, iv. 180. GoRDius, a Cappadocian, Sylla, iii. 146. GoRDY.EAX Mountains, Alexander, iv. 200. GoRDYEXE and Gordyexiaxs, district of Armenia, Lucullus, iii. 253, 260, 266, 273 ; Pompey, iv. 96. Gorgias, an officer under Eumenes, Eumenes, iii. 423. Gorgias the Leontine, Cimon, iii. 211. Gorgias, a rhetorician, contemporary with Cicero, Cicero, v. 60. GoRGiDAS, a Theban, Pelopidas, IL 212, 214. 218, 219. GoRGO, wife of Leonidas, Lycurgus, i. 102. GoRGOLEOx, a Spartan, Pelopidas, u. 217. GoRGUs of Ceos, Timoleon, ii. 149. GoRTYXiAXS, in Crete, Philopoemen, ii. 373, 374; Pyrrhus, iii. 37. GuACixus, companion of Sertorius, Sertorius, iii. 413. Gracchi, Ti. Gracchus, iv. 509, 514; C. Gracchus, iv. 336, 551 ; Compari-