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INDEX. FuRius, eonsiil with Flaminius, Mar- cellus, ii. 241. FuRius, an ofBcer in the servile war, Crassus, iii. 341. FuRNlus, Antony, v. 212. G. Gabeni, in Persia, Eumenes, iii. 434. Gabii, town of Latiiuu, Romulus, i. 44 ; Camillus, i. 300. AcLUS Gabinius, Pompey, iv. 80, 83, 110; Cato the Younger, iv. 404; Cicero, v. 66, 68; Antony, v. 156, 157, 161. Gabinius, an officer under Sylla, Syl- la, iii. 164, 166. Gades, or Cadiz, Sertorius, iii. 390. G.ESAT.E, Gallic tribe, Marcellus, ii. 240, 242, 243, 245. G.ESYLUS, a Spartan, Dion, v. 293. Gaius, ibster-lirother of Mithridates, Pompey, iv. 103. Galate, or AcRURiUM, a mountain of Phocis, Phocion, iv. 364. Gai.atia, province of Asia Minor, Marius, iii. 83 ; Lucullus, iii. 243, 274; Crassus, iii. 351; Pompey, iv. 86, 88, 93; Cato the Younger, iv. 381 ; Antony, v. 214. Servics Galb., serving under .3Dmi- lius Paulus (afterwards consul), >Em. Paulus, ii. 187, 189 ; Cato the Elder, ii. 335 ; Comparison, ii. 354. Galba, lieutenant of Sylla, Sylla, iii. 166. Caius Sulpicius [Galba], prsetor, Cicero, v. 54. Galea, an officer under Caesar, Caesar, iv. 309. ScLPicius Galba (grandfather of the emperor), cited as an historian, Ro- mulus, i. 59. SuLPicius Galea, the emperor, Life, V. 456; Otho, v. 487, 492, 493. Galepsus, town of Macedonia, Mm. Paulus, ii. 180. An.ius Gallus, general of Otho, Otho, V. 492, 494, 496, 600. Gallus, friend of Augustus Cjesar, Antony, v. 232. Flavius Gallus, lieutenant of An- tony, Antony, v. 196, 197. Gaxd.rit.vns, an Indian people, Alexander, iv. 238. The Ganges, Alexander, iv. 238, 239. GARQETTUsin Attlca,Theseus, i. 11,36. Gauoamela, where the battle of Ar- bela was tbught, town of Assyria, Alexander, iv. 200. G.OL and the Gauls. The capture of Rome by the Gauls, Camillus, i. 282- 301, 309,313-315; and compare Ro- mulus, i. 60,67, 75 ; Numa, i. 127,144, 145 ; Fabius, i. 393. The war before the second Punic war, Marcellus, ii. 239-245 and the Comparison ; and compare Romulus, i. 58; Fabius, i. 374. The war with the Cimbri in Gaul, Marius, iii. 58-74 ; and compare Sertorius, iii. 384. CiEsar's campaigns, Cssar, iv. 271 and after; and com- pare Crassus, iii. 347, 348, 350, and the Comparison, 380 ; Pompey, iv. 110, HI, lie, 123, 126, 131,' 133, 135; Cato the Younger, iv. 404,417, 420, 422 ; Cicero, v. 66 ; Antony, v. 159. The Gauls in Greece, Pvrrhus, iii. 29, 35, 38, 41, 43, 44 ; and com- pare Cimon, iii. 198 ; Comparison of Agis and Cleomenes and the Gracchi, iv. 555. Gauls near the Danube, JEm. Paulus, ii. 163, 167; Gallic horse, Lucullus, iii. 263 ; Crassus, iii. 352, 362, 363 ; Antony, v. 191, 196- and compare Pompey, iv. 57. In the Servile War, Crassus,iii. 339, 341. The revolt of Gaul, Galba, v. 459- 461,465,466,472,476; Otho,v.494, 495. Also Solon, i. 1 70 ; Mm. Paulus, ii. 159 ; CaiusGracchus, iv. 547; Pom- pey, iv. 58 ; Cicero, V. 46, 4 7,53 ; An- tony, V. 171, 215. Ravenna in Gaul, Marius, iii. 49 ; Transalpine Gaul, Ma- rius, iii. 69 ; Pompey, iv. 110; Caesar, iv. 270 ; Cisalpine Gaul, or Gaul on the Po, Lucullus, iv. 233 ; Crassus, iii. 342; Sertorius, iv. 385 ; Pompey, iv. 68,110; Ca!sar,iv. 270, 277, 283, 289 291 ; Cicero, v. 46 ; Brutus, v. 308, 322; Comparison, v. 365, 366 ; Gallia Narbonensis, Sertorius, iii. 396. The Gallic dress, Otho, v. 494. Gaza, town of Syria, Alexander, iv. 191 ; Demetrius, v. 100. Gedrosia, province of Persia, Alexan- der, iv. 243, 244. Gegania, a vestal, Numa, i. 140. Gegan'ia, mother-in-law of Thalsea, Comparison of Lvcurgus and Numa, i. 1 6.5. Gela, town of Sicily, and Geloans, Timoleon, ii. 148 ; Cimon, iii. 209 ; Dion, v. 270.

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