INDEX. DociMUS, a Macedonian, Eumfiies, iii. 425. DoDONA, the oracle, Themistoilcs, i. 262; Pyrrhus, iii. 1 ; Lysamler, iii. 133; Phocion, iv. 358. DoLADF.r.LA, friend of Sylla, .Sylla, iii. 179, 181 ; Csesar, iv. 258. DoLABELLA, friend of CiBsar, Cicero's son-in-law, Caesar, iv. 309, 320 ; Ci- cero, V. 81; Antoiiv, v. 162-165; Brutus, V. 304, 310, 328. Cornelius Dolabella, son of the preceding, Antony, v. 235. DoLADELLA, Galba, V. 478; Otho, v. 492. Doi.OPiANS, Theseus, i. 37 (in Scyros), Flamininus, ii. 403 ; Cimon, iii. 208. DoMiTi.N, the emperor, Numa, i. 151 ; Poplicola, i. 217; JEm. Paulus, ii. 181, 182. DoMiTius (Ahenobarbus, of the party of Marius), Pompey, iv. 60, 6>-(>4. Lucius Domitics Ahenobarbus, Cato the Younger's brother-in-law, Crassus, iii. 348, 349; Comparison, iii. 377; Pompey, iv. 115, 134, 135, 137; Comparison, iv. 156; CjEsar, iv. 293, 301, 302 ; Cato the Younger, iv. 411 ; Cicero, v. 75. DoMiTius Ahenobarbus (Cnasus, son of Lucius the preceding), Anto- ny, V. 195, 209, 216. DoiMlTius Ahenobarbus (Lucius, son of Cna;us the preceding), mar- ried to Antonia, Antony, v. 239. [DoMiTius] Ahenobarbus (Cnteus, son of Lucius the preceding), mar- ried to the younger Agrippina, An- tony, V. 239. Lucius Domitius (Nero Germanicns, the emperor Nero, son of Cnaeus the preceding),. tony,v. 239.. See Nero. Lucius Domitius, or Calvisius Do- mitius (perhaps DOMITIDS Calvi- NUs), Sertorius, iii. 395. Domitius Calvinus (Cuseas), Pom- pey, iv. 119, 137 (where the text is Lucius Domitius) ; Caesar, iv. 302, 308. Dorians, Lycurgus, i. 97 (a Doric word) ; Pericles, i. 344 (Dorians in Asia Minor) ; Lysander, iii. 108 (the Dorian character), 132; Agesilaus, iv. 37; Agis, iv. 465; Cleomenes, iv. 481 (the Doric measure and rule of life) ; Aratus, v. 36j (Doric aristoc- racy), 375. Doris, the mother country of the Do- rians, Themistocles, i. 241. Dorls, wife of Dionysius the Elder, Dion, v. 247, 250. DoRYLAUs, general of Mithridates, Sylla, iii. 169; Lucullus, iii. 248. DosoN, surname of Antigonus, Corio- lanus, ii. 64. See Antigonus. Draco, Solon, i. 184, 186, 193. Dracontidks, an Athenian, Pericles, i. 360. Dromich.etes of Thrace (king of the Getas), Demetrius, v. 137, 153. Dromoclides oi' Sphettus, Demetri- us, V. 108, 131. Livius Drusus, Ti. Gracchus, iv. 508 ; C. Gracchus, iv. 539-542. Livius Dkusus, uncle of Cato the Y^ounger (sou of the preceding); Cato the Younger, iv. 370, 372. Drusus, son of Livia (brother of the emperor Tiberius), Antony, v. 239. DuRis of Samos, an historian, Peri- cles, i. 354, 355 ; Alcibiades, ii. 41 ; Lysander, iii. 123 ; Eumenes, iii. 416; Agesilaus. iv. 3; Alexander, iv. 176, 218; Phocion, iv. 333, 347 ; Demosthenes, v. 20, 25. Dy.me, or Dym^, in Achtea, Pom- pey, iv. 85; Cleomenes, iv. 480 ; Aratus, v. 376, 412. Dyrraccuium, or Dyrrhachium, town of lUyria, Sylla, iii. 176 ; Pompey, iv. 129, 144; Csesar, iv. 272, 293; Cato the Younger,iv. 424- 426 ; Cicero, v. 69, 76 ; Brutus, v. 329. E. Ebro, or Iberus, the river in Spain, Sertorius, iii. 400. Ecbatana, Pelopidas, ii. 230; Agesi- laus, iv. 17; Alexander, iv. 249; Demosthenes, v. 16; Artaxerxes, v. 450. Ecdelus of Megalopolis, Aratus, v. 370, 373. EcDE.Mus of Megalopolis, Philopce- men. ii. 360. Echecrates, Pelopidas, ii. 216. Eciiecratides, a sophist, Phocion, iv. 348. EcHEDEMUs and Echedemia, The- seus, i. 33. Ecnomom, in Sicily, Dion, v. 270.