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545 DixiAS, who killed Abautidas, Aratus, V. 369. UiNiAS, an historian, Aratus, v. 394. DiNOCRATES of Messene, Philopce- men, ii. 380-382 ; Flamininus, ii. 406. DiNOMACHE, mother of Alcibiades, Alcibiades, ii. 1. UiNON, an historian, Themistocles, i. 260 ; Alexander, iv. 207 ; Arta.er.- es, V. 421,426, 430, 433, 440, 441, 443. DiOCLES of Megara, Theseus, i. 9. DiOCLES of Peparethus, Romulus, ii. 41. DiOCLES, one of four Syrians, Aratus, V. 383-385. DiOCLES. son of Themistocles, Themis- tocles, i. 267. DioCLiDES, Alcibiades, ii. 24. DiODOUUS the geographer, Theseus, i. 38; Themistocles, i. 267; Cimon, iii. 219. DiODORUS, son of Sophax, Sertorius, ill. 392. Diogenes, step-son of Archelaus, Syl- la, iii. 171. Diogenes, general of Demetrius II., governor of the Pirieus, Aratus, v. 399, 400. Diogenes of Sinope, philosopher, Lycurgus, i. 1 25 ; Fabius, i. 384 ; Ti- moleon, ii. 125, 126; Ale.xander, iv. 174, 175, 242. Diogenes, stoic philosopher, Cato the Elder, i. 345. DiOGiTON, a Theban, Pelopidas, ii. 236. Diomedes, an Athenian, Alcibiades, ii. 12. Diomede, Cleopatra's servant, Anto- ny, V. 230. Diomede, the hero, Romulus, i. 40. DiUM, town in Macedonia, Demetrius, V. 133. Dion of Syracuse, brother-in-law of Dionysius the Elder, Life, v. 245 ; Comparison with Brutus, V. 362 ; Ti- moleon, ii. 108, 123, 134, 147 ; Com- parison, ii. 199; Aristides, ii. 281; Nicias, iii. 310, 322. DiONASSA, mother of Lycurgus, Ly- curgus, i. 84. Dionysius of Colophon, a painter, Tiraoleon, ii. 149. Dionysius, a Corinthian, Timoleon, ii. 187. VOL. V. S5 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, an his- torian, Romulus, i. 58 ; Comparison of Alcibiades and Coriolanus, ii. 102 ; Pyrrhus, iii. 22, 28. Dionysius of Magnesia, an orator, Cicero, v. 39. Dionysius of Messene, Alexander, iv. 251. Dionysius the Elder, tyrant of Sy- racuse, Solon, i. 188; Timoleon, ii. 114, 125; Pelopidas, ii. 232, 235; Cato the Elder, ii. 349; Lysander, iii. 105; Agesilaus, iv. 40; Dion, V. 247-263, 255, 296; Galba, v. 457. Dionysius the Younger, tjTant of Syracuse, Timoleon, ii. 108-110, 115, 117, 120, 122, 123, 125, 126, 147, 154; Comparison, ii. 198,199; Nicias, iii. 322 ; Dion, v. 250, 252, 2.54-267, 270, and following; Comparison, v. 363-365. Dionysius, one of four Syrians, Ara- tus, V. 385. Dionysius Chalcus, a poet, Nicias, iv. 296. DioNYsoDORUS of Troezen, Aratus, V. 367. DiopHANEs, general of the Achseans, Philopcemen, ii. 377 ; Flamininus, ii. 405 ; Comparison, ii. 415. DiopHANES of Mitylene, the rhetori- cian, Ti. Gracchus, iv. 514, 628. DiOPHANTUS of Amphitrope, an Athenian, Aristides, ii. 313. DiOPiTUES, an Athenian, Pericles, i. 360. DiopiTHES, an Athenian, Phocion, iv. 336 ; Comparison of Cicero and De- mosthenes, V. 91. DiOPiTHES, a Spartan, Lysander, iii. 1 29 ; Agesilaus, iv. 3. DioscoRiDES, a writer, Lycurgus, i. 97 ; Agesilaus, iv. 43. DiPHiLiDES, or Philides, a horse- breeder, Themistocles, i. 236. DiPHiLUS, an Athenian, Demetrius, v. 145. DiPHiLUS, a comic poet, Nicias, iii. 289. DiPiiRiDAS, a Spartan, Agesilaus, iv. 20. DiRADKs, Attic township, Alcibiades, ii. 31. DiKCE, a fountain at Thebes, Deme- trius, v. 145.

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