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INDEX. Cyn-kgyrus, brother of ^T^i'hvlus, Comparison of Cato and Aristidi'S, ii. 354. Cynisca, sister of Agesilaus, Agesi- laus, iv. 23. Cyvosakges, Tbemistocles, i. 231. CYNOSCEPHAL.Ti:, Theseus, i. 29 ; Pe- lopidas, ii. 232 ; Flamiuiuus, ii. 31)3. Cypkus and Cvpri. 'S, Theseus, i. 18; Solon, i. 194; Themi.stocles, i. 266 ; Porielos, i. 332 (Cimon's death), 353 ; Flamininus, ii. 398 (Cimon's battles); Lysander, iii. 115 ; Cimon, iii. 215, 223, 224; Lucullus, iii. 230, 282 (Cato's mission) ; Pompey, iv. Ill, (tlie same) 147, 151; Dion, v. 266; Alexander, iv. 188, 196; Cse- sar, iv. 279 (Cato's mission) ; Cato the Younger, iv. 401 and after, to 416 ; Cicero, v. 71 (Cato's mi.ssion) ; Demetrius, v. 100, 109-112, 115 (Cyprian cuirasses), 130, 132; An- tony, V. 189, 208; Brutus, v. 304 ; Artaxer.xes, v. 442. Cypselus, tyrant of Corinth, Aratus, v. 369. Cyre.e and Cyrexe. s, in Africa, Philopoemon, ii. 360 ; Lucullus, iii. 229 ; Cato the Younger, iv. 427 ; Cleomenes, iv. 496,500; Demetrius, V. 108, 154; Antony, v. 215; Dion, V. 262. Cyrnus, or Cyrus, river of Asia, Pompey, iv. 94, 95. C YRRHESTic A, district of Syria, Deme- trius, V. 148 ; Antony, v. 187. Cyrus, founder of the Persian monar- chy, Solon, i. 197; Alexander, iv. 199, 246; Antony, v. 160; Arta- xerxes, v. 421, 422. Cyrus the Younger, sou of Darius Nothus, Pericles, i. 351 ; Alcibiades, ii. 46; Lysander, iii. 106, 107, 109- 111, 123; Comparison, iii. 195; Ar- taxerxes, v. 421-423, 425-432, 434- 437, 439, 441, 442, 449, 450. Cythkr., island on the coast of Laco- nia, Nicias, iii. 296 ; Comparison, iii 379; Agesilaus, iv. 38; Cleomenes, iv. 496. Cytheris (a name of Volumnia), Antony, v. 163. Ctzicus and Cyzicenian.s, Alcibi- ades, ii. 29, 36, 37; Lucullus, iii. 238-241, 271; Dion, v. 263; Bru- tus, v. 332. D. D.EDAi.DS, Theseus, i. 16, 17. Daimachus, an historian, Comparison of Solon and Poplicola, i. 229 ; Ly- sander, iii. 116. Dai.matia, Otho, V. 490. Damagoras, a llhodian, Lucullus, iii. 232. D.mascu8, in Svria, Alexander, iv. 184, 185, 188, 221. Damastes, Theseus, i. 9. Damastes, an historian, Camillus, i. 288. Da.mippus, a Spartan, Marcellus, ii. 257, 258. Damoch.res, a Spartan, Agis, iv. 462-464. Damoci.es, or Democles, Demetrius, V. 118. Dajioclidas, a Theban, Pelopidas, ii. 207, 211. Damocr.tes, a Plataean hero, Aristi- des, ii. 294. Damocrates, a Spartan, Cleomenes, iv. 4 70. Damon, a Macedonian, Alexander, iv. 186. Damon, a musician, Pericles, i. 322 ; Ari.stides, ii. 281 ; Nicias, iii. 296. D.iMON. surnamed Peripoltas, Ci- mon, iii. 198-200. D..M0NIDES of (Ea, Pericles, i. 330. Damophantus of Elis, Philopcemen, ii. 367. Damoteles, a Spartan, Cleomenes, iv. 494. D.iMYRiAS, river of Sicily, Timoleon, ii. 145. D.NAUS, founder of Argos, Pyrrhus, iii. 44. Danramis, an Indian, Ale.xander, iv. 168, 242. Dandarians, a tribe of Pontus, Lu- cullus, iii. 246. Danube, iEm. Paulus, ii. 1 63 ; Cato the Elder, ii. 330 (where the text has Istria) ; Alexander, iv. 172, 207. Daochus, a Thessalian, Demosthenes, v. 19. Daphne, daughter of Amyclas, Agis, iv. 453. Daphne (Antioch on Daphne). See Antioch. D.RD.NIANS, an niyrian tribe. Mm. Paulus, ii. 163. Da RD ANUS, founder of Troy, Camil- lub, i. 290.

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