541 Cratippus, Peripatetic philosopher, Pompey, iv. 145 ; Cicero, v. 60 ; Brutus,' V. 327. Craugis, father of Philopcemen, Phi- lopoemen, ii. 360. Cremona, town of North Italy, Otho, V. 494, 495. Creon, king of Thebes, Pelopidas, ii. 221 ; Alexander, iv. 206 ; Demosthe- nes, V. 32. Creophylos, Homer's friend, the cor- rect reading in Lycurgus, i. 88. Crete and the Cretans, Theseus, i. 12 and after to 22, 38 ; Lycurgus, i. 87, 97, 121! ; Solon, i. 178 (Epime- nides) ; iEmilius Paulus, ii. 179, 182, 190(Cretan targets) ; Marcellus, ii. 260; Philopcemen, ii. 366, 373, 374 ; Pyrrhus, iii. 37, 40, 41, 42, 44 ; Lysander, iii. 126 (Cretan against Cretan), 136 (the Cretan stora.K) ; LucuUus, iii. 229 ; Eumenes, iii. 439 (Nearchus the Cretan) ; Agesilaus, iv. 42 ; Ponipey, iv. 85 ; Cleomenes, iv. 472, 487 (Cretan soldiers); C. Gracchus, iv. 548 (Cretan archers) ; Dion, V. 296 ; Brutus, v. 322 ; Arta- xer.xes, v. 443 ; Aratus, v. 394, 413, 416 ; Cretan sea, v. 416. Crimesus, river of Sicily, Timoleon, ii. 138, 140, 142. Crispinus (T. Quintius), colleague of Marcellus, Marcellus, ii. 273. Crispi.nus (Rufus), first husband of Poppsea, Galba, v. 474. Crispinus, killed by the Praetorians, Otho, V. 489. Critias, an Athenian, son of Call^s- chrus, Lycurgus, i. 95 ; Alcibiades, ii. 42 ; Cimon, iii. 212, 221. Crito, an Athenian, Aristides, ii. 282. Critolaidas, a Spartan, Solon, i. 177. Critolaus, Peripatetic philosopher, Pericles, i. 327. Crobylus, the nickname of Hegesip- pus, an orator, Demosthenes, v. 18. Crobylus, a Corinthian, Alexander, iv. 186. Crojsus, king of Lydia, Solon, i. 172, 195-197; Comparison, i. 226. Crommyon, in the district of Corinth, Theseus, i. 8. Croton, in South Italy, Romulus, i. 74 ; Alexander, iv. 204 ; Cicero, v. 53. Crustumekium, a Sabine town, Rom- ulus, i. 58. Ctesias, physician of Cnidos, an his- torian, Artaxer.xes, v. 421, 426, 429- 434,439-441, 443. Ctesirius, Demosthenes, v. 6. Ctesium, port of Scyros, Cimon, iii. 208. Ctesiphon, an Athenian, Demosthe- nes, V. 26. Ctesippus, an Athenian, son of Cha- brias, Phocion, iv. 336 ; Demosthe- nes, V. 16. Terentius Culeo, or Culled, tri- bune of the people, Flamininus, ii. 406. CuLLEO, a friend of Pompey, Pompey, iv. 112. CuM., in Campania, Ti. Gracchus, iv. 514, 525, 528. CuMA, in ^Eolia. See Cyme. CUM.EANS, CiBsar. iv. 319. CuNAXA, in Babvlonia, Artaxerxes, v. 427. Cures, city of the Sabines, Numa, i. 130; Compare Komuhis, i. 63, 75. CuRii, Comparison of Aristides and Cato, ii. 353. Curio, lieutenant of Sylla, Sylla, iii. 161 ; CiBsar, iv. 263 ; Cato the Younger, iv. 384 ; Antony, v. 156. Curio, son of the former, tribune of the people, Pompey, iv. 124, 125; Cresar, iv. 287, 289 ; Cato the Young- er, iv. 418 ; Antony, v. 156, 159. Manius Curius (Dentatus), Cato the Elder, ii. 318,326; Comparison, ii. 357; Pyrrhus, iii. 33, 34. Marcus Curtius, Romulus, i. 61. Curtian Lake, Romulus, i. 61 ; Gal- ba, V. 483. Cy'anean Islands, Cimon, iii. 216. Cybernesia, Athenian feast, Theseus, i. 15. Cybisthus, son of Thales, Solon, i. 173. Cychreus, of Salamis, Theseus, i. 9 ; Solon, i. 175. Cyclades, islands in the .Slgean Sea, Sylla, iii. 156; Demetrius, v. 126. Cydnus, river of Cilicia, Alexander, iv. 181 ; Antony, v. 178. Cyllarabis, or Cylarabis, at Ar- gos, Pyrrhus, iii. 44 ; Cleomenes, iv. 482, 492. Cylon, an Athenian, Solon, i. 177- 179. Cyme, town of JEolia, Themistocles, i. 259 ; Artaxerxes, v. 445.