Clusium, town of Eti-uria, and Clu- sisiANS, Numa, i. 144 ; Poplicola, i. •218; Camiilus, i. 284, 285. Cluvius Rufus, governor in Spain, Otho, V. 488. Clymene, Theseus, i. 3.5. Cnacion, river of Sparta, Lycurgus, i. 91 ; Pelopidas, ii. 218. CNiDOS,iu Caria, and Cnidians, Alei- biades, ii. 34 ; Cimon, iii. 214 ; Lu- culJus, iii. 230 ; Agesilaus, iv. 21 ; Caesar, iv. 305 ; Artaxerxes, v. 443. Co ALEMUS, surname of Cimon's father, Cimon, iii. 202. CoccEius, more correctly Salvius CoccEiANDS, Otho's nephew, Otho, v. 503. HoR.iTius CocLES, PopHcoIa, i. 218, 219. CoDuus, Solon, i. 168. CcELius. See above, Clcelius. CffiLius, lieutenant of Antouj', Anto- ny, V. 218. CoENUS, a Macedonian, Alexander, iv. 237. Colchis, Theseus, i. 30 ; Lucullus, iii. 245 ; Pompey, iv. 86, 92, 94, 106. Colias, promontory of Attica, Solon, i. 175. Tarquixids Collatinus, Poplicola, i. 204-209. CoLLiNE Gate, at Rome, Numa, i. 142 ; Camiilus, i. 291 ; Sylla, iii. 180. CoLLYTUS, part of Athens, Demos- thenes, V. 12. CoLONis, village in Messenia, Philopoe- men, ii. 380. Colophon and Colophonians, Ti- moleon, ii. 149; Lysander, iii. 123 ; Lucullus, iii. 230. Co.MiAS, archon at Athens, Solon, i. 201, 202. CoMiNiDS, consul, Coriolanus, ii. 59- 63. PoNTins CoMiNius, Camiilus, i. 295, 296. CoMMAGENE, Pompey, iv. 106; Anto- ny, v. 187, 214. CoNNiDAS, tutor of Theseus, Theseus, L 4. CoNON, friend of Solon, Solon, i. 183. CoN'ON, the Athenian general, son of Timotheus, Alcibiades, ii. 48 ; Ly- sander, iii. 114, 115; Sylla, iii. 147; Agesilaus, iv. 21, 27; Artaxerxes, v. 442, 443. CoNOPiON, an Athenian, Phociou, iv. 368. CoNSA, or CossA, in Etruria, Flami- ninus, ii. 385. CoNSiDius, Cffisar, iv. 270, 271. PuBnus CoNSTANS, perhaps Cotta, Cicero, v. 62. CopiLLUS, general of the Tectosages, Sylla, iii. 144. CopoNius, lieutenant of Crassus, Cras- sus, iii. 366. Cora, daughter of Aidoneus, Theseus, i. 32. Coracesiu.w, town in Spain, Pom- pey, iv. 84. Corcy-xa, nurse of Ariadne, Theseus, i. 19. CoRDUB-, Cordova, in Spain, Caesar, iv. 273. CoRFiNiUM, in Italy, Cfesar, iv. 293. CoRFiNius, or CoKNiFicius, Csesar, iv. 301, 309. Corinth and Corinthians, see many passages in the lives of Timoleon, ii. 107 ; Cleonienes, iv. 467, and Ara- tus, V. 36 7, and for general history, the following : — Pericles, i. 356 ; Alcibiades, ii. 15, 21; Cato the El- der, iL 331 ; Philopoemen (its destruc- tion), ii. 383 ; compare iv. 314 ; Ly- sander, iii. 128; Cimon, iii. 221 Nicias, iii. 297, 302, 315, 318, 324 Agesilaus, iv. 18, 20, 25, 26, 27 Cssar (the new colony), iv. 314 Agis, iv. 459 ; Demosthenes, v. 18 ; Demetrius, v. 109, 119, 142, 151, 163; Dion, v. 245, 296. The meet- ing of the seven wise men, Solon, i. 171 ; Corinth, Chalcis, and Deme- trias, Flamininus, ii. 396 ; Nero at Corinth, the same, ii. 400 ; Diogenes at Corinth, Alexander, iv. 174 ; the Isthmus, Cassar, iv. 315 ; Simonides's line, Dion, v. 245. Caius^Lrcius Coriolanus, Life.ii. 52; Comparison, ii. 101. CoRiOLi, in Latium, Coriolanus, ii. 59, 60, 63. Cornells, daughter of Scipio, mother of the Gracchi, Ti. Gracchus, iv. 506, 507, 509, 514 ; C. Gracchus, iv. 535, 536, 544, 551. Cornelia, wiie of Marius, iii. 86. Cornelia, daughter of Cinna, wife of Cresar, Ca-sar, iv. 256. 260. Cornelia, daughter of Metellus Soi-