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529 B. Babyca, a bridire near Sparta, Ly- curgus, i. 91 ; Pelopidas, ii. 218. B.BTLON% B.BYLOXI., B.BYLONI- Axs, LuouUus, iii. 261 ; Crassus, iii. 352 ; Comparison, iii. 380 ; Eume- nes, iii. 418 : Alexander, iv. 205, 206, 232, 246, 250; Demetrius, v. 101; Antony, v. 200 ; Artaxerxes, v. 427, 428, 441. B.CCHI.D.E of Corinth, Lysander, iii. 104. Bacchides, Lucullus, iii. 249, 250. B.iCCHTLiDKS, a poet, Numa, i. 133. Bactr., Bactri., and the B.ctri- Axs, in Asia, Crassus, iii. 350 ; Com- parison, iii. 380; Antony, v. 191. Bac- trian horee, Alexander, i v. 201. Marccs B.EBirs, consul, Numa, i. 158. B.etic., a part of Spain, Sertorius, iii. 395. B.etis, the Guadalquivir, in Spain, Cato the Elder, ii. 329 ; Sertorius, iii. 390, 395. Bagoas, a Persian, Alexander, iv. 211. Bagoas, tavorite of Alexander, Alex- ander, iv. 244. Bai-E, in Campania, Marius, iii. 85. Bai-bus, an officer under Sylla, Sylla, iii. 181. Balbus, Cffisar's friend, Csesar, iv. 317. PosTUMius Balbus, probably Al- Bus, Poplieola, i. 224. B.Lixu.*, or Cebalen'us, a Macedo- nian, Alexander, iv. 221. Balissus, river in Mesopotamia, Crassus, iii. 359. Balte, a niTnph, mother of Epi- menides, Solon, i. 1 78. Bambtce, or HiER.iPOLls, Antony, v. 190. Baxdits. See Bantius. Baxtia, a town in Apulia, Marcellus, ii. 272. Bantius of Nola,lMarcellus,ii. 247,248. Barbius, a tesserarius, Galba, v. 479. B.RC.. a friend of Cato, Cato the Younjrer, iv. 408. Barc., in Hannibal's army, Fabius, L 392. Hamilcar B.rca, Hannibal's father, Cato the Elder, ii. 326. Bardy.ei, slaves, Marius, iii. 98. B.'VRDYLLis, king of lUj-ria, Pyrrhus, iii. 10. Bakgyliaxs, a people of Caria, Fla- mininus, ii. 399. VOL. V. 34 Barsixe, daughter of Artabazus. wife of Alexander, Eumenes, iii. 417 ; Alexander, iv. 185. Barsixe, another sister, wife of Eu- menes, Eumenes, iii. 417. Lucius Basillus, Sylla, iii. 1.54. Bastarx^, or Basterx.e, a Celtic tribe, Jim. Paulus, ii. 163, 165. Bataces, a priest of Cybele, Marius, iii. 66. BATji.Lns, a flute-player, nickname of Demosthenes, Demosthenes, v. 4. Bataviaxs, a German tribe, Otho, v. 499. Bathycles, Solon, i. 172. Lentulus Batiates, CrassBS, iii. 339, 342. Batox of Sinope, a writer, Agis, iv. 459. Batti, kings of Cvrene, Coriolanus, ii. 64. Bedriacum, near Cremona, town and field of battle, Otho, v. 495, 497, 498, 500, 501. Bel.eus of Minturnae, Marius, iii. 93. Belbina, town of Arcadia, Cleo- menes, iv. 470. Bklg.e, a Gallic tribe, Pompey, ir. 113; Cssar, iv. 277. Belit.ras, a Persian in the service of Parysatis, Artaxerxes, v. 440. Bellerophox, Coriolanus, ii. 90. Bellixus, a prajtor, Pompey, iv. 79. Beluris the secretarj', a Persian, Artaxerxes, v. 444. Bexeventu.v, a town of Italy, Pyr- rhus, iii. 33. Berenice of Chios, wife of Mithri- dates, Lucullus, iii. 249, 250. Berenice wife of Ptolemy, P}Trhus, iii. 5, 6. Berenicis, town of Epirus, PjTrhus, iii. 6. Ber(ea, town of Macedonia, Pyrrhus, iii. 12; Pompey, iv. 130; Demetrius, V. 143. Bekytds, town of Phoenicia, Antonv, V. 205. Bessus, a Persian, Alexander, iv. 216. Bestia, a Roman general, Marius,iii. 55. Bestia, a tribune, Cicero, v. 58. Bias of Priene, Solon, i. 171. Calpurnius Bibulus, Pompev. iv. 109, 110, 119; Ca;sar, iv. 269, '270; Cato the Younger, iv. 394, 395, 402, 418, 425 ; Antony, v. 159. Bibulus, step-son of Brutus, Brutus, v 315, 327.

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