519 Nicias, iii. 300, and after; Compari- son of Nicias and Crassus, iii. 377, 378; Agesilaus, iv. 2, 3; Demosthe- nes, V. 1, 30 ; Comparison of De- mosthenes and Cicero, v. 93 ; Anto- ny, V. 224. Alcidamas, an orator, Demosthenes, V. 6. Alcimenes, an Achtean, Dion, v. 266. Alcimus, promontory in Attica, The- mistocles, i. 267. Alcimds, an Epirot, Demetrius, v. 116. Alcm.eon', in command of the Athe- nians, Solon, i. 177, 197. Alcmjson, of Agraule, Themistoeles, i. 256 ; Aristides, ii. 313. Alcm.eon, son of Ami)hiaraus, Alci- biades, ii. 1 ; Aratus, t. 369. Alcmax, a Lacedaemonian poet, Ly- curgus, i. 113, 121 ; Sylla, iii. 189. Alcmena, mother of Hercules, The- seus, i. 7 ; llomulus, i. 74 ; Lysander, iii. 136. Alcyoneus, son of Antigonus, Pjt- rhus, iii. 47. Ale AS, in Boeotia, Lysander, iii. 136. Alesia, town in Gaul, Caesar, iv. 284, 285. Alexaxder of Antioch, follower of Antony, Antony, v. 201, 202, 220. Alex.wder, son of Antony and Cle- opatra, Antony, v. 190, 208. Alexander, son of Ca^sander, Pyr- rhus, iii. 7; Demetrius, v. 132-134; Comparison of Demetrius and An- tony, V. 243. Alexander, an Aristotelian philoso- pher, a teacher of Crassus, Crassus, iii. 334. ALEx.iSDER.grandson of Craterus, Ara- tus, V. 382, 383. Alex.'VNDEr, son of Demetrius Poli- orcetes, Demetrius, v. 154. Alexander, a frcedman, Pompey, iv. 53. Alexander L, king of Macedon, Ari- stides, ii. 298, 299"; Cinion, iii. 217. Alex. dp;r IL, kingof Macedon, Pe- lopidas, ii. 226. Alexander the Great, Life, iv. 159 ; Theseus, i. 5 ; Camillus, i. 288 ; ^m. Paulus, ii. 166, 180, 184; Pe- lopidas, ii. 235 ; Aristides, ii. 295 ; Flamininus, ii. 392. 411 ; Pyrrhus, iii. 9, 12, 24; Comparison of Nicias and Crassus, iii. 380 ; Eiunenes, iii. 416- 418, 422, 423, 431, 436, 438; Age- silaus, iv. 18 ; Pompey, iv. 51, 94, 107 ; Comparison of Pompey and Agesilaus, iv. 154; Ca^.'sar, iv. 267; Phocion, iv. 339, 346-348, 350, 352, 359, 360 ; Demosthenes, v. 9, 22, 25, 26, 29; Demetrius, v. 125, 134, 139 ; Antony, v. 160, 208, 232 ; Comparison, v. 242 ; Galba, v. 456 ; ' also Philopoeraen, ii. 363. Alk.. der the Myndian, a writer, Marius, iii. 65. Alex. der, son of Perseus, .ffim. Paulus, ii. 195. Alexander, of Pherae, Pelopidas, ii. 225-237. Alexander, son of Polysperchon, Phocion, iv. 364 ; Demetrius, v. 103. Alexander, son of Pj-rrhus, Pyrrhus, iii. 10. Alexander, son of Roxana, Pyrrhus, iii. 4. Alexander, general of the Thracians, J£in. Paulus, ii. 173. Alexandri, and Alexandrians, Lucullus, iii. 229 ; Pompey, iv. 112 ; Alexander, iv. 191 ; Cssar, iv. 306, 308 ; Cato the Younger, iv. 405 ; Cleomenes, iv. 497, 500, 505 ; An- tony, V. 158, 180, 182, 205, 207, 208, 212, 223, 225. Alexandropolis, Alexander, iv. 169. Alex.s, of Laodicea, friend of An- tony, Antony, v. 226. Axexicrates, an Epirot, Pj-rrhus's cupbearer, Pyrrhus, iii. 6. Alexippds, a phvsician, Alexander, iv. 213. Alfenus Varus, general of Vitellius, Otho, v. 499. Allia, river of Italy, Camillus, i. 287, 294. Allobroges, Gallic tribe, Cicero, v. 53, 54. Alopece, township in Attica, Themi- stoeles, i. 267 ; Pericles, i. 333 ; Ari- stides, ii. 280. Alopecus, a hill in Boeotia, Lvsemder, iii. 138. Als.ea (more probably Alea or Asea), in Arcadia, Cleomenes, iv. 473. Alycds, son of Sciron, Theseus, i. 34. Am. tius (Matius ?), Caesar's friend, Caisar, iv. 308, 309. Amanus, mountain in Cilicia, Pompey,