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means only: Whilst these discourses passed openly throughout the army, on the first day of the first month of the year, the Calends, as they call it, of January, Flaccus summoning them to take the usual anniversary oath of fealty to the emperor, they overturned and pulled down Galba's statues, and having sworn in the name of the senate and people of Eome, departed. But the officers now feared anarchy and confusion, as much as rebellion ; and one of them came forward and said : "What will become of us, my fellow-soldiers, if we neither set up another general, nor retain the present one ? This will be not so much to desert from Galba aa to decline all subjection and command. It is useless to try and maintain Flaccus Hordeonius, who is but a mere shadow and image of Galba. But Vitellius, commander of the other Germany, is but one day's march distantj .whose father was censor and thrice consul, and in a man- ner co-emperor with Claudius Caesar ; and he himself has the best proof to show of his bounty and largeness of mind, in the poverty with which some reproach him. Him let us make choice of, that all may see we know how to choose an emperor better than either Spaniards or Lusitanians." Which motion whilst some assented to, and others gainsaid, a certain standard-bearer slipped out and carried the news to Vitellius,* who was entertaining much company by night. This, taking air, soon passed through the troops, and Fabius Valens, who commanded one legion, riding up next day with a large body of horse, saluted Vitellius emperor. He had hitherto seemed to decline it, professing a dread he had to under-
- Vitellius, " commander of the was in winter-quarters, one day's
other," that is, the Lower " Ger- journey distant. The standard- many," or Lower Rhine, was at bearer reached Vitellius, says Taci- Cologne, with his troops quartered tus, the same night. Fabius Valens near. The army of the Upper belonged to the Lower Province, Rhine, or at least this part of it, and was in quarters near Cologne.