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v.-itli her, or, as some say, not liking the prospect of an imperial marriage, though willing enough to have the emperor as her lover. So that Otho ran the risk of his life, and strange it was he escaped, when Nero, for this very marriage, killed his wife and sLster. But he was beholden to Seneca's fnendship, by whose persuasions and entreaty Nero was prevailed with to despatch him as prsetor into Lusitania, on the shores of the Ocean ; where he behaved himself very agi-eeably and indulgently to those he had to govern, well knowino- this command was but to color and disguise his banishment. When Galba revolted from Nero, Otho was the first governor of any of the provinces that came over to him, bringing all the gold and silver he possessed in the shape of cups and tables, to be coined into money, and also what servants he had fitly qualified to wait upon a prince. In all other points, too, he was faithful to him, and gave him sufficient proof that he was inferior to none in managing public business. And he so far ingra- tiated himself, that he rode in the same carriage with him during the whole journey, several da^'s together. And in "this journey and familiar companionship, he won over Viuius also, both by his conversation and presents, but especially by conceding to him the first place, secur- ing the second, by his interest, for himself. And he had the advantage of him in avoiding all odium and jealousy, assisting all petitioners, without asking for any reward, and appearing courteous and of easy access towards all, especially to the military men, for many of whom he obtained commands, some immediately from the emperor, others by Vinius's means, and b}^ the assistance of the two favorite freedmen, Icelus and Asiaticus,* these being
- Asiaticus was the freedman Plutarch has brought him in hfrfl
aiid favorite, not of Galba, but by a mistake, of Vitellius. His time came later.