gonus, and resolving to people it, he being then chosen as the new founder, and being general at that time, decreed that it should no longer be called Mantinea, but Antigonea, which name it still bears. So that he may be said to have been the cause that the old memory of the " beautiful Mantinea " * has been wholly extinguished, and the city to this day has the name of the destroyer and slayer of its citizens. After this, Cleomenes, being overthrown in a great battle near Sellasia, forsook Sparta and fled into Egypt, and Antigonus, having shown all manner of kindness and fair-dealing to Aratus, retired into Macedonia. There, falling sick, he sent Philip, the heir of the kingdom, into Peloponnesus, being yet scarce a youth, commanding him to follow above all the counsel of Aratus, to commu- nicate with the cities through him, and through him to make acquaintance with the Achaeans ; and Aratus, re- ceiving him accordingly, so managed him as to send him back to Macedon both well affected to himself and full of desire and ambition to take an honorable part in the affiiirs of Greece. When Antigonus was dead, the ^tolians, despising the sloth and negligence of the Achaeans, who, having learnt to be defended by other men's valor and to shelter themselves under the Macedonian arms, lived in ease and without any discipline, now attempted to interfere in Peloponnesus. And plundering the land of Patrae and Dyme in their way, they invaded Messene and ravaged it; at which Aratus being indignant, and finding that Timoxenus, then general, was hesitating and letting the time go by, being now on the point of laying down his office, in which he himself was chosen to succeed him,
- Iliad 2, 607, where in the that held Tegea, and the beautiful
catalogue of the Arcadians present Mantinea." in the war, are mentioned " they