272 DION.
the want of better arms ; and when once they were told to advance, as if Dion were already conqueror, they ran forward with shouts and acclamations, encouraging each other with the hopes of liberty. The most considerable men and better sort of the citi- zens of Syracuse, clad all in white, met him at the gates. The populace set upon aU that were of Dionysius's party, and principally searched for those they called setters or informers,* a number of wicked and hateful wretches, who made it their business to go up and down the city, thrust- ing themselves into all companies, that they might in- form Dionysius what men said, and how they stood affected. These were the first that suffered, being beaten to death by the crowd. Timocrates, not being able to force his way to the garrison that kept the castle,-{- took horse, and fled out of the city, filling all the places where he came with fear and confusion, magnifying the amount of Dion's forces, that he might not be supposed to have deserted his charge without good reason for it. By this time, Dion was come ujs, and appeared in the sight of the people ; he marched first in a rich suit -of arms, and by him on one hand his brother, Megacles, on the other, Callippus the Athenian, crowaied with garlands. Of the foreign soldiers, a hundred followed as his guard, and their several officers led the rest in good order; the Syracusans looking on and welcoming them, as if they believed the whole to be a sacred and religious proces- sion, to celebrate the solemn entrance, after an absence of forty-eight years, of liberty and popular government.
- These, by the name given to Euryalus, high at the end of the
them, which is feminine here, and broad rising ground, sloping up masculine in one of Plutarch's mi- from the junction with the island, nor works (De Curiositaie, 16), up and over which the town had seem to have been of both sexes. spread. This fort is what Dion is t He was posted in the fort at presently said to take, " the Epi- the other extremity of the town, poise."