enjoy the government of Sicily and Sardinia, he condi- tioning to scour the seas of all pirates, and to send so much corn every year to Rome. This agreed on, they invited one another to supper, and by lot it fell to Pompey's turn to give the first entertain- meut, and Antony, asking where it was to be, " There," said he, pointing to the admiral-galley, a ship of six banks of oars, " that is the ^nly house that Pompey is heir to of his father's." * And this he said, reflecting upon Antony, who was then in possession of his fiither's house. Having fixed the ship on her anchors, and formed a bridgeway from the promontory to conduct on board of her, he gave them a cordial welcome. And when they began to grow warm, and jests were passing freely on Antony and Cleo- patra's loves, Menas, the pirate, whispered Pompey in the ear, " Shall I," said he, " cut the cables, and make you master not of Sicily only and Sardinia, but of the whole Roman empire ? " Pompey, having considered a little while, returned him answer, " Menas, this might have been done without acquainting me ; now we must rest content ; I do not break my word." And so, having been enter- tained by the other two in their tm-ns, he set sail for Sicily. After the treaty was completed, Antony despatched Ventidius into Asia, to check the advance of the Parthi- ans, while he, as a compliment to Ctesar, accepted the office of priest to the deceased Csesar. And in any state affair and matter of consequence, they both behaved them- selves with much consideration and friendliness for each other. But it annoyed Antony, that in all their amuse- ments, on any trial of skill or fortune, Ccesar should be
- " In Carinis," according to Dion the ships, or the quarter called the
Cassius, was the answer. " In the Carinoe, at Rome, in which stood hia Carinje," which might mean either father's house.