relating to Demetrius the kind expressions of Seleucusi, and he, after so many troubles and calamities, if indeed he had still any sense of his surrender of himself being a disgrace, had now, in confidence on the good hopes held out to him, entirely forgotten all such thoughts, Pausa- nias, with a guard of a thousand horse and foot, came and surrounded him ; and, dis23ersing the rest that were with him, carried him, not to the presence of Seleucus, but to the Syrian Chersonese,* where he was committed to the safe custody of a strong guard. Sufficient attend- ance and liberal provision were here allowed him, space for riding and walking, a park with game for hunting, those of his friends and companions in exile who wished it had permission to see him, and messages of kindness, also, from time to time, were brought him from Seleucus, bidding him fear nothing, and intimating, that, so soon as Antiochus and Stratonice should arrive, he would receive his liberty. Demetrius, however, finding himself in this condition, sent letters to those who were with his son, and to his captains and friends at Athens and Corinth, that they should give no manner of credit to any letters written to them in his name, though they were sealed with his own signet, but that, looking upon him as if he were already dead, they should maintain the cities and whatever was left of his power, for Antigonus, as his successor. Anti- gonus received the news of his father's captivity with great sorrow ; he put himself into mourning, and wrote
- The Syrian Chersonese is the is far inland, up the river, and was
rircr-peninsula formed by the Oron- long the capital of a division of tes and a neighboring lake, wiiere Syria. The Macedonians called it Seleucus founded a town, and nam- Pella, after their Pella at home. ed it, in honor of Apame, his Per- Diodorus, in speaking of the cap- sian wife, Apamea. Here were his tivity of Demetrius, says he wa;i 6tud-stables, and his great military kept at Pella. depot for horses and elephants. It .