he might not run a yet worse hazai'd from Demetrius, whose power and reputation were so great, the young man hurried away to meet him at Dium, whitlier he, who on receiving his letter had set out on his marcl], was now come. And, offering his greetings and grateful acknowl- edgments, he at the same time informed him that his affairs no longer required the presence of his ally, and thereupon he invited him to supper. There were not wanting some feelings of suspicion on either side already ; and when Demetrius was now on his way to the banqxiet, some one came and told him that in the midst of the drink- ing he would be killed. Demetrius showed little concei*n, but, making only a little less haste, he sent to the princi- pal officers of his army, commanding them to draw out the soldiers, and make them stand to their arms, and or- dered his retinue (more numei'ous a good deal than that of Alexander) to attend him into the very room of the enter- tainment, and not to stir from thence till they saw him rise from the table. Thus Alexander's servants, finding them- selves overpowered, had not courage to attempt any thing. And, indeed, Demetrius gave them no opportunity, for he made a very short visit, and, pretending to Alexander that he was not at present in health for drinking wine, left early. And the next day he occupied himself in prepa- rations for departing, telling Alexander he had received intelligence that obliged him to leave, and begging him to excuse so sudden a parting ; he would hope to see him further when his affiiirs allowed him leisui-e. Alexander was only too glad, not only that he was going, but that he was doing so of his own motion, without any offence, and proposed to accompany him into Thessaly. But when tliey came to Larissa, new mvitations passed between them, new professions of good-will, covermg new conspiracies ; by which Alexander put himself into the power of Deme- trius. For as he did not like to use precautions on hid