edge of the systems of Isocrates and Alcidamas, and mas- tered them thoroughly. As soon, therefore, as he was grown up to man's estate, he began to go to law with his guardians, and to write orations against them ; who, in the mean time, had re- course to various subterfuges and pleas for new trials, and Demosthenes, though he was thus, as Thucydides says, taught his business in dangers, and by his own exer- tions was successful in his suit, was yet unable for all this to recover so much as a small fraction of his patrimony. He only attained some degree of confidence in speaking, and some competent experience in it. And having got a taste of the honor and power which ai'e acquired by pleadings, he now ventured to come forth, and to under- take public business. And, as it is said of Laomedon, the Orchomenian, that by advice of his physician, he used to run long distances to keep off some disease of his spleen, and by that means having, through labor and exercise, framed the habit of his body, he betook himself to the great garland games, and became one of the best runners at the long race ; so it happened to Demosthenes, who, first venturing upon oratory for the recovery of his own pri- vate property, by this acquired ability in speaking, and at length, in public business, as it were in- the great games, came to have the preeminence of all competitors in the assembly. But when he first addressed himself to the people, he met with great discom'agements, and was derided for his strange and uncouth style, which was cumbered with long sentences and tortured with formal aro-uments to a most harsh and disagreeable excess. Besides, he had, it seems, a weakness in his voice, a per- plexed and indistinct utterance and a shortness of breath, • The Olympic, Pythian, Isthmi- victors were crowned with gar- an and Nemean Games, where the lands.