not spared, what trust can we place either on the laws, or in the gods ? " Licinia, thus bewailing, Caius, by degrees getting loose from her embraces, silently withdrew him- self, being accompanied by his friends ; she, endeavoring to catch him by the gown, fell prostrate upon the earth, lying there for some time speechless. Her servants took her up for dead, and conveyed her to her brother Crassus. Fulvius, when the people were gathered together in a full body, by the advice of Caius, sent his youngest son into the market-place, with a herald's rod in his hand. He, being a very handsome youth, and modestly addressing himself, with tears in his eyes and a becoming bashfulness, offered proposals of agreement to the consul and the whole senate. The greatest part of the assembly were inclina- ble to accept of the proposals ; but Opimius said, that it did not become them to send messengers and capitulate with the senate, but to surrender at discretion to the laws, like loyal citizens, and endeavor to merit their par- don by submission. He commanded the youth not to return, unless they would comply with these conditions. Caius, as it is reported, was very forward to go and clear himself before the senate ; but none of his friends con- senting to it, Fulvius sent his son a second time to inter- cede for them, as before. But Opimius, who was resolved that a battle should ensue, caused the youth to be appre- hended, and committed into custody ; and then, with a company of his foot-soldiers and some Cretan archers, set upon the party under Fulvius. These archers did such execution, and inflicted so many wounds, that a rout and flight quickly ensued. Fulvius fled into an ob- scure bathing-house ; but shortly after being discovered, he and his eldest son were slain together. Caius was not observed to use any violence against any one ; but, ex- tremely disliking all these outrages, retired to Diana's
temple. There he attempted to kill himself, but was bin-