was bestowed upon him. Otherwise we should be under the obligation to let a tribune do his pleasure, though he should proceed to destroy the capitol or set fire to the arsenal. He who should make these attempts, would be a bad tribune. He who assails the power of the people, is no longer a tribune at all. Is it not inconceivable, that a tribune should have power to imprison a consul, and the people have no authority to degrade him when he uses that honor which he received from them, to their detri- ment? For the tribunes, as well as the consuls, hold office by the people's votes. The kingly government, which comprehends all sorts of authority in itself alone, is morever elevated by the greatest and most religious solemnity imaginable into a condition of sanctity. But the citizens, notwithstanding this, deposed Tarquin, when he acted wrongfully ; and for the crime of one single man, the ancient government under which Rome was built, w T as abolished for ever. What is there in all Rome so sacred and venerable as the vestal virgins, to whose care alone the preservation of the eternal fire is commit- ted ? yet if one of these transgress, she is buried alive ; the sanctity which for the gods' sakes is allowed them, is forfeited wdien they offend against the gods. So likewise a tribune retains not his inviolability, which for the peo- ple's sake was accorded to him, when he offends against the people, and attacks the foundations of that authority from whence he derived his own. We esteem him to be legally chosen tribune who is elected only by the major- ity of votes ; and is not therefore the same person much more lawfully degraded, when by a general consent of them all, they agree to depose him ? Nothing is so sacred as religious offerings ; yet the people were never prohib- ited to make use of them, but suffered to remove and carry them wherever they pleased ; so likewise, as it were
some sacred present, they have lawful power to transfer