but then making a stand, and seeing the danger which the surrounded wing, commanded by his brother Euclidas, was in, he cried out, " Thou art lost, dear brother, thou art lost, thou brave example to our Spartan youth, and theme of our matrons' songs." And Euclidas's wing being cut in pieces, and the conquerors from that part falling upon him, he perceived his soldiers to be disordered, and unable to maintain the fight, and therefore provided for his own safety. There fell, we are told, in the battle, besides many of the mercenary soldiers, all the Spartans, six thousand in number, except two hundred. When Cleomenes came into the city, he advised those citizens that he met to receive Antigonus ; and as for himself, he said, which should appear most advantageous to Sparta, whether his life or death, that he would choose. Seeing the women running out to those that had fled with him, taking their arms, and bringing drink to them, he entered into his own house, and his servant, who was a free- born woman, taken from Megalopolis after his wife's death, offering, as usual, to do the service he needed on return- ing from war, though he was very thirsty, he refused to drink, and though very weary, to sit down ; but in his corselet as he was, he laid his arm sideway against a pillar, and leaning his forehead upon his elbow, he rested his body a little while, and ran over in his thoughts all the courses he could take ; and then with his friends set on at once for Gythiuin ; where finding ships which had been got ready for this very purpose, they embarked. Antig- onus, taking the city, treated the Lacedaemonians cour- teously, and in no way offering any insult or offence to the dignity of Sparta, but permitting them to enjoy their own laws and polity, and sacrificing to the gods, dis- lodged the third day. For he heard that there was a great war in Macedonia, and that the country was devas-
tated by the barbarians. Besides, his malady had now