hereby he got himself great honor, and brought over many to Pompey's party, whom his moderation and hu- manity attracted. Afterwards being sent into Asia, to assist those who were raising men, and preparing ships in those parts, he took with him his sister Servilia, and a lit- tle boy whom she had by Lucullus. For since her widow- hood, she had lived with her brother, and much recov- ered her reputation, having put herself under his care, followed him in his voyages, and complied with his severe way of living. Yet Caesar did not fail to asperse him upon her account also. Pompey's officers in Asia, it seems, had no great need of Cato ; but he brought over the people of Rhodes by his persuasions, and leaving his sister Servilia and her child there, he returned to Pompey, who had now col- lected very great forces both by sea and land. And here Pompey, more than in any other act, betrayed his inten- tions. For at first he designed to give Cato the com- mand of the navy, which consisted of no less than five hundred ships of war, besides a vast number of light gal- leys, scouts, and open boats. But presently bethinking himself, or put in mind by his friends, that Cato's princi- pal and only aim being to free his country from all usur- pation, if he were master of such great forces, as soon as ever Caesar should be conquered, he Avould certainly call upon Pompey, also, to lay down his arms, and be subject to the laws, he changed his mind, and though he had already mentioned it to Cato, nevertheless made Bibulus admiral. Notwithstanding this, he had no reason to suppose that Cato's zeal in the cause was in any way diminished. For before one of the battles at Dyrrhachium, when Pom- pey himself, we are told, made an address to the soldiers and bade the officers do the like, the men listened to them but coldly, and with silence, until Cato, last of all, came for-
ward, and in the language of philosophy, spoke to them,