Sir, to have you feast like Crassus, build like Lucullus, and talk like Cato." So likewise those who were vicious and dissolute in their manners, yet affected to be grave and severe in their language, were in derision called Catos. At first, when his friends would have persuaded him to stand to be tribune of the people, he thought it undesira- ble ; for that the power of so great an office ought to be reserved, as the strongest medicines, for occasions of the last necessity. But afterwards in a vacation time, as he was going, accompanied with his books and philosophers, to Lucania, where he had lands with a pleasant residence, they met by the way a great many horses, carriages, and attendants, of whom they understood, that Metellus Nepos was going to Rome, to stand to be tribune of the people. Hereupon Cato stopped, and after a little pause, gave orders to return back immediately ; at which the company seeming to wonder, " Do n't you know," said he, " how dangerous of itself the madness of Metellus is ? and now that he comes armed with the support of Pompey, he will fall like lightning on the state, and bring it to utter disorder ; therefore this is no time for idleness and diver- sion, but we must go and prevent this man in his designs, or bravely die in defence of our liberty." Nevertheless, by the persuasion of his friends, he went first to his coun- try-house, where he stayed but a very little time, and then returned to town. He arrived in the evening, and went straight the next morning to the forum, where he began to solicit for the tribuneship, in opposition to Metellus. The power of this office consists rather in controlling, than performing any business ; for though all the rest except any one tribune should be agreed, yet his denial or intercession could put a stop to the whole matter. Cato, at first, had not many that appeared for him ; but as soon as his design was
known, all the good and distinguished persons of the city