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more particularly related in his Life. Caesar would have immediately pursued him, but wanted shipping, and therefore went back to Kome, having made himself master of all Italy without bloodshed in the space of sixty days. When he came thither, he found the city more quiet than he expected, and many senators present, to whom he ad- dressed himself with courtesy and deference, desiring them to send to Pompey about any reasonable accommo- dations towards a peace. But nobody complied with this proposal; whether out of fear of Pompey, whom they had deserted, or that they thought Caesar did not mean what he said, but thought it his interest to talk plausibly. Afterwards, when Metellus, the tribune, would have hin- dered him from taking money out of the public treasure, and adduced some laws against it, Caesar replied, that arms and laws had each their own time ; " If what I do displeases you, leave the place ; war allows no free talk- ing. When I have laid down my arms, and made peace, come back and make what speeches you please. And this," he added, " I tell you in diminution of my own just right, as indeed you and "all others who have ap- peared against me and are now in my power, may be treated as I please." Having said this to Metellus, he went to the doors of the treasury, and the keys being not to be found, sent for smiths to force them open. Metellus again making resistance, and some encouraging him in it, Caesar, in a louder tone, told him he would put him to death, if he gave him any further disturbance. " And this," said he, " you know, young man, is more dis- agreeable for me to say, than to do." These words made Metellus withdraw for fear, and obtained speedy execu- tion henceforth for all orders that Caesar gave for procur- ing necessaries for the war. He was now proceeding to Spain, with the determina-
tion of first crushing Afranius iind Varro, Pompey's lieu -