introduce tliern both to Alexander, to whom they had something of great moment to impart which very nearly concerned him. But he, for what reason is uncertain, went not with them, professing that the king was en- gaged with affairs of more importance. And when they had urged him a second time, and were still slighted by him, they applied themselves to anothe'r, by whose means being admitted into Alexander's presence, they first told about Limnus's conspiracy, and by the way let Philotas's negligence appear, who had twice disregarded their ap- plication to him. Alexander was greatly incensed, and on finding that Liinnus had defended himself, and had been killed by the soldier who was sent to seize him, he was still more discomposed, thinking be had thus lost the means of detecting the plot. As soon as his displeasure against Pbilotas began to appear, presently all his old enemies showed themselves, and said openly, the king was too easily imposed on, to imagine that one so incon- siderable as Limnus, a Chalastrian, should of his own head undertake such an enterprise ; that in all likelihood he was but subservient to the design, an instrument that was moved by some greater spring ; that those ought to be more strictly examined about the matter whose inter- est it was so much to conceal it. When they had once gained the king's ear for insinuations of this sort, they went on to show a thousand grounds of suspicion against Philotas, till at last they prevailed to have him seized and put to the torture, which was done in the presence of the principal officei's, Alexander himself being placed behind some tapestry to understand what passed. Where, when he heard in what a miserable tone, and with what abject submissions Philotas applied himself to Hephcestion, he broke out, it is said, in this manner : " Are you so mean-, spirited and effeminate, Philotas, and yet can engage in
so desperate a design ? " After his death, he presently