��ON our arrival at Edinburgh, we found accommo dations, successively, at two of the principal hotels, which had been commended to us by English friends. But we were eventually induced to try the plan of taking lodgings. These we were so fortunate as to obtain in a]] delightful house on Prince s Street, oppo site the Castle, owned by a pleasant lady, recently left a widow, and willing thus to aid a restricted income. Here we had, on the second story, what the Scotch call a "whole flat," comprising parlor, dining-room, and three neatly furnished dormitories. Every even ing we gave a written bill of fare for the next day, to our kind hostess, who was faithful in carrying out our wishes in the minutest particular. Seated around our comfortable board, and enjoying quiet conversation, correspondence or reading, when wearied with out-door explorations, we were able to cherish more of the home- feeling than is wont to be found in a land of strangers. It was also gratifying to perceive that our domestic arrangements were remarkably consistent with econ omy, and entirely satisfactory to our attentive and
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