A gush of music strangely sweet came from her lonely breast,
A holy voice of hymns that lull'd the wearied waves to rest.
For there, upon that open deck, was held a solemn rite,
The worship of old Ocean's king, the Lord of power and might,
Who with a simple line of sand doth curb its tyrant tide,
And by his "Hitherto," enchain and quell its fiercest pride.
The earnest tones of humble prayer each listening spirit stir,
And by the fair young babe knelt down the bronzed mariner;
On couch and mattress, rang'd around, the sick forgot their grief,
And drank the healing lore of heaven, as dew the thirsty leaf.
The thoughtful people of the Rhine, with Erin's offspring came,
And in our Saxon speech invoked the One Great Father's name;
And little children gathered near, blest in their guileless thought,
Hands folded close and lips apart, with sweet devotion fraught.