CONSTANCE. We shall keep our vows with more joy now we know that you are on our side.
GALLICANUS. Have no fear that I shall put any obstacle in your way. Far from it! I consent gladly, and desire nothing better than to see you fulfil your vow, my Constance, you, for whom I was eager to risk life itself.
CONSTANCE. I see the hand of the Most High in this change in you.
GALLICANUS. If I had not changed, and for the better, I could never have consented to renounce you.
CONSTANCE. The Lover of virginal purity and the Author of all good resolutions made you renounce me because He had already claimed me for His own. May He Who has separated us in the body on earth unite us in the joys of eternity.
GALLICANUS. So be it! So be it!
CONSTANTINE. And now, since we are united in the bond of Christ's love, you shall live with us in our palace, and be treated with as much honour as though you were our own son.
GALLICANUS. What temptation is to be feared more than the lust of the eyes?
CONSTANTINE. None, I know.
GALLICANUS. Then is it right that I should see her too often? As you know, I love her more than my own kin, more than my life, more than my soul!
CONSTANTINE. You must do what you think best.