CONSTANTINE. I am greatly astonished, soldiers, that Gallicanus should be so long in presenting himself before his sovereign.
SOLDIERS. The moment he arrived in Rome he went to the Church of Saint Peter, and, prostrating himself on the ground, gave thanks to the Almighty for giving him the victory.
CONSTANTINE. Gallicanus?
SOLDIERS. It is true.
CONSTANTINE. Impossible!
SOLDIERS. Here he comes. You can ask him yourself.
CONSTANTINE. Welcome, Gallicanus! I have awaited your arrival with impatience. I long to hear from your own lips how the battle went and how it ended.
GALLICANUS. I will tell you the whole story.
CONSTANTINE. Wait a moment, for even the battle is of small importance compared with the one thing which I want most to hear.
GALLICANUS. What may that be?
CONSTANTINE. On your departure for the war you visited the temple of the gods; on your return you went to the Church of the Apostles. Why?
GALLICANUS. You ask that?