ANTIOCHUS. A certain alien woman has recently come to this city with her three children.
HADRIAN. Of what sex are the children?
ANTIOCHUS. They are all girls.
HADRIAN. And you think that a handful of women threaten danger to the state?
ANTIOCHUS. I do, and very grave danger.
HADRIAN. Of what kind?
ANTIOCHUS. A disturbance of the peace.
ANTIOCHUS. What disturbs the peace and harmony of states more than religious differences?
HADRIAN. I grant you that. The whole Roman Empire witnesses to the serious troubles they can cause. The body politic is infected by the corpses of slaughtered Christians.
ANTIOCHUS. This woman of whom I speak is urging the people of this country to abandon the religion of their fathers and embrace the Christian faith.
HADRIAN. But have her words any effect?
ANTIOCHUS. Indeed they have. Our wives hate and scorn us to such an extent that they will not deign to eat with us, still less share our beds.
HADRIAN. This is a real danger, I admit.
ANTIOCHUS. You must protect yourself.
HADRIAN. That stands to reason. Let the woman be brought before me, and I will examine her and see what can be done.