PAPHNUTIUS. Your great penitence has won a great forgiveness. Yet God has not pardoned you for your valiant expiation so much as for the love with which you have given yourself to Christ.
THAIS. Can that be true? Would that it were!
PAPHNUTIUS. Give me your hand. Let me bring you out of your cell to prove you are forgiven.
THAIS. No, father, leave me here. This place with all its uncleanness is best for me.
PAPHNUTIUS. The time has come for you to cast away your fear, and hope for life! God wishes your penance to end.
THAIS. Let the angels praise Him! He has not despised the love of a humble sinner.
PAPHNUTIUS. Thais, would you rejoice if now you were called upon to lay aside this body?
THAIS. Oh, father, my soul longs to escape from this earth.
PAPHNUTIUS. Thais, you have finished your course here. In fifteen days you will, by God's grace, pass straight to Paradise.
THAIS. To Paradise! I should be happy if I might be spared hell's torments and be mercifully cleansed in a gentle fire until my spirit is fit for the eternal happiness.
PAPHNUTIUS. Grace is the free gift of God and does not depend on our merits. If it did, it could not be called grace.