THAIS. I do not resist. I wish to obey you. I trust you.
PAPHNUTIUS. I will go in, and persuade the Abbess who is the head of the community to receive you.
THAIS. And what shall I do meanwhile? Do not leave me alone.
PAPHNUTIUS. You shall come with me. But look! The Abbess has come out to meet us. I wonder who can have told her so promptly of our arrival.
THAIS. Rumour, Father Paphnutius. Rumour never delays.
PAPHNUTIUS. You come opportunely, illustrious Abbess. I was just seeking you.
ABBESS. You are most welcome, venerated Father Paphnutius. Blessed is your visit, beloved of the Most High.
PAPHNUTIUS. May the grace of Him Who is Father of all pour into your heart the beatitude of everlasting peace!
ABBESS. And what has brought your holiness to my humble dwelling?
PAPHNUTIUS. I need your help.
ABBESS. Speak but the word. You will find me eager to do all in my power to carry out your wishes.