ABRAHAM. Oh, mind, be constant! Tears, do not fall! Must I look on her whom I brought up in the desert, decked out with a harlot's face? Yes, I must hide what is in my heart. I must strive not to weep, and smile though my heart is breaking.
INX-KEEPER. Luck comes your way, Mary! Not only do young gallants of your own age flock to your arms, but even the wise and venerable!
MARY. It is all one to me. It is my business to love those who love me.
ABRAHAM. Come nearer, Mary, and give me a kiss.
MARY. I will give you more than a kiss. I will take your head in my arms and stroke your neck.
ABRAHAM. Yes, like that!
MARY. What does this mean? What is this lovely fragrance. So clean, so sweet. It reminds me of the time when I was good.
ABRAHAM. On with the mask! Chatter, make lewd jests like an idle boy! She must not recognize me, or for very shame she may fly from me.
MARY. Wretch that I am! To what have I fallen! In what pit am I sunk!
ABRAHAM. You forget where you are! Do men come here to see you cry!
INN-KEEPER. What's the matter, Lady Mary? Why are you in the dumps? You have lived here two years, and never before have I seen a tear, never heard a sigh or a word of complaint.