ABRAHAM. Her lovers? Mary's lovers?
ABRAHAM. Who are they?
FRIEND. There are plenty of them.
ABRAHAM. Good Jesu, what is this monstrous thing I hear? Do they say that she, whom I brought up to be Thy bride, gives herself to strange lovers?
FRIEND. It comes naturally to harlots.
ABRAHAM. If you are my friend, get me a saddle-horse somewhere and a soldier's dress. I am going to get into that place as a lover.
FRIEND. Father, mine are at your service.
ABRAHAM. And I must borrow a felt hat to cover my tonsure.
FRIEND. That is most necessary, if you do not want to be recognized.
ABRAHAM. I have one gold piece. Should I take it to give this man?
FRIEND. You should, for otherwise he will never let you see Mary.
ABRAHAM. Good-day, friend.
INN-KEEPER. Who's there? Good-day, Sir. Come in!
ABRAHAM. Have you a bed for a traveller who wants to spend a night here?