ABRAHAM. Brother Ephrem, my dear comrade in the hermit life, may I speak to you now, or shall I wait until you have finished your divine praises?
EPHREM. And what can you have to say to me which is not praise of Him Who said: "Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, I am with them"?
ABRAHAM. I have not come to speak of anything which He would not like to hear.
EPHREM. I am sure of it. So speak at once.
ABRAHAM. It concerns a decision I have to make. I long for your approval.
EPHREM. We have one heart and one soul. We ought to agree.
ABRAHAM. I have a little niece of tender years. She has lost both her parents, and my affection for her has been deepened by compassion for her lonely state. I am in constant anxiety on her account.
EPHREM. Ought you who have triumphed over the world to be vexed by its cares!