First in the stadium's level course
Œonus, brave Licymnius' son,
Who brought from Midea's walls his force,90
The chaplet's glorious honours won:
And Echemus his Tegea's name
Raised in the wrestler's ring to fame.
Doryclus bade the manly cæstus crown
His lovely Tirynthian city with renown. 8295
And Semus' steeds unwearied in the race,
Mantinea with the hymn of triumph grace.
Phrastor with certain aim the javelin threw;
While from Eniceus' hand the discus flew,
And as the circling orb ascended high100
Above the rest, what clamours rent the sky!
The full-orb'd moon, with her nocturnal ray
Shed o'er the scene a lovely flood of day. 91
And all the grove with festal chorus rang,
Oft as the crowd the victor's praises sang.105
Now shall the muse prepare her loftiest verse,
Obedient to the rites of ancient days,
The lurid bolts and shafts of light rehearse,
And sing the mighty Thunderer's deathless praise.
Symphonious with the song shall wake the reed,
By Dirce's sacred fount—a tardy note indeed! 111
Grateful as comes th' expected heir
To bless his age—enfeebled sire,
The source of sweetly anxious care,
And object of his fond desire.115
Since wealth, if foreign hands must seize the hoard,
Is view'd with hatred by its dying lord.
E'en thus, arrived at Pluto's dark domain,
The hero, nameless in the poet's lay,
By glorious acts and aspirations vain120
Will not have soothed life's brief and anxious day.
The dulcet flute and lyre's accordant string
Thy happier deeds, Agesidamus, sing,