Avenging Nemesis their foe.
Erst, breathing with a heart of flame, 70
The valiant son of Danae came;
Who by divine Athena's hand,
Led to the bless'd heroic band,
Slew Gorgon, and her dire head bore
With dragon locks all cover'd o'er; 75
And thus, with stony ruin fraught,
Death to the islanders he brought. 75
But when the gods their power display,
How strange soe'er the mighty deed,
Firm rev'rence and belief to pay, 80
Nor doubt nor wonder shall impede.
Restrain the oar; and from the prow
Fix, to secure against the shock
Of many a sea-imbosom'd rock,
Your anchor in the deep below. 85
For now th' encomiastic lay,
Like bee that flits on changeful wing,
To fresher glories hastes away. 84
But ardent hope inspires my breast,
That while the Ephyræans sing 90
My sweet lays by Peneus' spring,
Hippocleas above the rest,
Mindful of each triumphant crown,
Among the old, the virgin train,
And fellow-combatants, the strain 95
Shall dignify with bright renown.
In various minds far different objects move
The cares and fond solicitudes of love. 94
But he whose fortune can obtain
The object of his strong desire, 100
Calm and contented should remain,